story time!!! (part one)

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not so long ago

there was a little birdy

this little birdy had his own wire 

all to himself

it was a nice wire

it was sturdy


up high

it had a nice view of the sunrise every morning too

though sometimes he wished he had a someone with him

someone to share the empty wire with him

someone to eat dropped pretzels from off the ground with

someone to look at the sunrise every morning with him

but most someones werent fit to sit on the wire

most someones werent even birds that could sit on a wire


life was still great for the little birdy

he had a friend too

they were also a birdy

they flew by his wire sometimes to say hi to him

they didnt sit on the wire of course 


they were still friends 

they didnt talk much about their life


they didnt know how to

so they talked about other things with him

like how beautiful the sky was at dawn

or how silly the other birds acted sometimes 

or how many flowers there were in the lake

then one day 

they wanted to sit on the wire with him

they wanted to for a long time actually

but didnt know how to ask

so they just 


they kept this to themself for a long time

but one day

they finally asked him if they could sit on the wire

if he would 

be okay with it

and he said yes

of course he said yes

why wouldnt he

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