story time (part four)

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the little birdy missed them

very dearly

he missed their talks

he missed watching the flowers in the lake

he missed 



they werent even that great of a birdy to be honest

he just missed sharing his wire with someone

before it didnt bother him

that he had his own wire

it was nice before

but now that they were gone...

he still had her though


that was good

she didnt realize it

but she really did make the rain go away

she did

and that gave him hope that maybe

she would sit on the wire with him

and he would share it with someone again

one day

she was having a party with her friends

and he decided

its time to get off the wire for once

it was scary

because he never really flew before

he knew how to fly

but it was just

scary to

but he did it

because he didnt want to give up the chance of having her on that spot on the wire

so he fluffed up his feathers

made himself look nice

and took off to the party

and the first thing

she did 

when she saw him

was laugh

she laughed

about how he fluffed up his feathers

and made himself look nice

since everyone else didnt care how they looked at the party

but he did

a little too much

it was supposed to be a good laugh

a happy laugh

because they were friends

and she wasnt really making fun of him

but under the circumstances

under the fact that it was the very first time he had left his wire 

and specifically for her

it didnt feel that funny

so he perched somewhere

and tried to ignore everyone at the party

a few people said hi to him

but that was it

then he left

that night it didnt drizzle

it poured

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