Leave me hanging

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You know,

maybe you should leave.

Maybe you should go leave and I never meet you again and we say we're going to still stay in contact and talk all the time but are we really going to?

Because everyone else that says they wanna talk to me,
I never talk to again,
and they leave.

Or rather,
I leave I guess.

You should leave.

Because I hate you.
Both of you.

You made me know what feeling loved felt like,
you let me know what actual good friends looks like,
you never forgot about me,
you always cared about me,
no matter what I said,
whatever shitty fucking thing I said.

Maybe you should leave maybe I deserve this maybe I should live like this with both of you gone forever so you can go live your life get your name known change history without me and I can sit here still writing shitty poetry MAYBE YOU SHOULD LEAVE IT WAS NEVER GOING TO WORK OUT ONE PLUS ONE PLUS ONE EQUALS TWO NOT THREE IT NEVER EQUALED THREE THERE WAS NO CHANCE OF IT EVER BEING THREE SO JUST LEAVE BOTH OF YOU LEAVE ME IN THIS HELL FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS OF MY LIFE AND ILL STILL NOT KNOW WHAT I WANNA DO WITH MY LIFE SO MAYBE AT THE END OF HIGH SCHOOL NOTHING WILL WORK OUT AND ILL JUST-


Don't worry about me.

I'm fine :)

I love you I hate you please stay go away okay,


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