The 50th State

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It's fine.

Just go back to normal.
That wasn't that long of a vacation.

I know it's sad that it's over,
because that really was an amazing vacation,

but we have to come home sometime.

If you just spend all your time in Hawaii,
you'll forget your routine,
you'll forget the flow,
of everyday life.
Of everyday,

And that's important.
Really important.

Don't tell me we already forgot.
Did we?

We were only gone for three weeks,
we couldn't have forgotten already...

I loved the vacation we just had too,
but it ended.

People go on vacations all the time,
and they come back,
and they're fine,
and they're excited for the next one.
They're excited to plan the next road trip,
or plan ride,
whatever it is.

As much as the end hurts,
we need
to get up.

what's the point of going on vacations,
spending so much money and time and effort to plan it out,
if it only lasts a fraction of time?

What is the best ratio,
of money spending,
to split second sunrises.

Are you really fine with this then?

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