story time. (part five)

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the little birdy didnt know what to do anymore

they had left him

she made fun of him

and she didnt even check to see how he was that night

she came over to say hello the next day

but the rain was still there

and she didnt even notice it

she still didnt sit on the wire

but that's expected at this point

then one day

they came back


they apologized

that they left so suddenly

they just couldnt handle the wire anymore

it was too scary to sit on

it was too high up

the rain was terrible some days

they were just


they didnt want to be mean

and insult his wire


they just

flew off

their friend tried to convince them too about how terrible the wire was

that was a factor of it too

he apologized

they were friends

of course he apologized

they still didnt sit back on the wire though but

he told himself thats fine

this is better than nothing

he wasn't really sure he believed that though

he didnt believe it

because you wanna know what he did?

he tried to convince them to sit on the wire again

multiple times

even after what they said

then gave gifts to her

to convince her to sit on the wire

multiple times


who does that???

he grew tired of his wire getting lonelier and lonelier


one time

he flew over to hers 

for the second time

and this time
he asked if he could sit on her wire


she said

she wasnt fine with it

so he wasnt allowed to

that was a stupid idea anyway

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