The thirteen of May

10 1 0

I'm scared of tomorrow.

Because I know what tomorrow was going to be.

What it is,

going to be.

And you probably don't know what I mean.

But I do.

Unfortunately, I do.

I remember.

Did I lie again?

Did I lie,

for the 13000th time,

about being fine?

Clearly I'm not fine,

because I haven't moved on yet,

and I'm still writing down this chaos in my head.

Maybe I won't ever be fine.

These memories I recall that just hurt everyone more will be with me for the next 5 to 13 years.

Battery low: 13% remaning.

Please plug in your device now.



I have to go now.

I'll be back in 13 minutes,

or 13 hours,

or 13 days,

or more.

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