A random poem about watches and dimensions

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Time is weird.

Humans perceive it as distance.

A measurement.

A thing,
that you start from one end,
and go to the other.

It's not.

But you can't really describe time without using an analogy like that.

The concept of time exists of course,

things changing,

you know,

over time.

But the way we use it,
with our numerical system,
our fancy watches,

that's fake.

We made that up,
all that up,
to understand it better,
so out brains,
our tiny little insect brains,
can physically imagine,
an unimaginable concept.

You can go back to the old days,
where your memories take you.

But not really.

Because you're not going anywhere.

And you haven't traveled anywhere either.

Time is sorta like the 4th dimension.

We can describe the W axis like the other ones,

X Y and Z,

and explain it extremely well,

and describe it just like the other ones,

but it's a completely new and different thing.

You can't really measure time,
like you can measure the length of a meter,
or the temperature of a freezer.

It's funny,
we make up a lot of silly things like this.

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