story time!! (part two)

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the little birdy had another friend too

his friend was a happy birdy

its a funny story how they met actually

one day

she landed on the wire that was across from his

she brought her whole flock to her wire

and they had a party

they always had parties

every day

and the little birdy watched the parties

every day

he knew he could join the party if he wanted to

but he didnt

he didnt want to risk flying off his wire

but that very first moment

when he saw her land on her wire

she glanced at him

and they had never met before then

but they looked at each other in pure bliss

so she flew over to say hello

he said hi

and she flew back to her wire

and there forward

no matter how busy she was

no matter how many friends she had by her wire

she still made sure she said hello

every day

part of him wished she would stay longer than a hello

at least just see how the wire felt under her talons

at least sing one song with him

at least just once watch the sunrise with

but he knew that would never happen

thats just unreasonable thinking

so he was still happy

he had her

he had them

what more could a little birdy want

one time

she did leave

it felt like it was decades

it felt like it was centuries

it felt like it was a millenia

in the amount of time she was gone

but in the end it didnt matter

because she came back

she always came back


came back

just to say


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