Part 35

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I ran towards his room. My heart throbbing inside my ribcage. I can feel it painfully beating inside my chest. Dried tears covering my cheeks.

Relax Noor

It's just a dream. Just a dream.

I reached his room, taking deep breathes. He was fast asleep. He looked pale. I felt my chest tightening again, I managed to choke back a sob, reaching over and caressing his face. I wiped the dried tears from his cheeks. Planting a kiss on his burning forehead.

He has fever till now. I adjusted his blanket. I can't stay here anymore.

He doesn't want to see me!!!! He hates me!!!! But it's ok!!!!! I deserve it!!!! I deserve his hatred.

But I miss my old Azan. I miss him a lot. I can't just see him like this. Because I love him. And I can't lose him. He may be angry with me now, but I will make things alright.

I left the room with tears. I can't help it. He will again panic if he sees me. I just not want him to cry because of me. Again. His tears are like stabbing my heart.

But how long, how long he will avoid me???? How long he will not talk to me?????

I reached my room when a wave of nausea hit me. I stumbled at my feet for a second and then ran to washroom.

I emptied my insides out. My head throbbing. I leaned against the wall for a few seconds, letting my eyes shut.

Now I was feeling much better.

It maybe because of tension....... Or not eating properly I guess......

But what if something else?????

What the hell was going on in my life??????

After a few seconds, I heard someone's voice. I turned around in a jerk. My heart pounding.

"Hi????" Shilpa di said in a confused tone!!!!!

"What the hell you are doing here????" I whispered screamed as I almost got a heart attack.

"Waohhh, language!!!!! I am your big sister!!!!" She announced with a smile. I just rolled my eyes.

She came near me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"You're ok na Noor???" She asked in a tensed voice.

"I don't know!!!!" I admitted. "Like I am feeling dizzy and nauseous all the time and also tired....... Hnffff!!!!!!!"

"Ohh!!!" She muttered. And then her eyes were widening.

"What happened????" I managed to ask, confused!!!!

"Noorrrrr!!!!!!" She said, breathlessly.

"Please, I don't have time for your drama, are you going to prescribe me some medicines or not????"

"Listen!!!!!" She whisper screamed. "It's important!!!!!"

"Hmm" I said, pushing myself from the wall while helping myself with a glass of water.

"Ok....." She took a deep breath, "Is it possible that you're pregnant????"

I choked out the water from my mouth, coughing. I would really die in heart attack now!!!!! My breath hitched.......


"I mean you guys didn't had p......"

"Shut up!!!!" I managed to speak!!!!!

I felt my cheeks heating up. My whole body shaking.

"What do you think???" She asked......

"I...don't.....kno..w???" I sat on my bed. Palming my face!!!!!!

"I'll be back soon....." She said before disappearing. I leaned against my bed. My nervousness level dropping.

"Here!!!!" Shilpa di said, before handing me a pregnancy kit. She hugged me rubbing my back.

"How do you have this????" I asked. My heart beat dropping.

"I am a doctor Noor!!!!" She said with a sigh!!!!! "Now go!!!!! Everything will be alright!!!!!" She gave me an assured smile.

I just hope it's negative........


"It's positive!!!!!" I managed to choke out, bursting out in tears again.

"Whattttt?????" Shilpa di said, breathlessly.......

"It's positive!!!!!!" I began sobbing!!!! As I didn't know how to deal with this now!!!!! Then I noticed a smile spreading on Shilpa di's face.

"You're laughing at me!!!!!! I hate you!!!!" I began sobbing loudly. Tears falling from my eyes.

"Noorrrrrr!!!!! OMG OMG I can't believe!!!!!!!! You're........... Why are you crying idiot???????" Shilpa di said while jumping in happiness!!!!!!

"What will happen now????? Me and Azan aren't married yet!!!! And......he is not even talking to me!!!!!"

"Just shut up ok???? What rubbish you are talking ha????? You're pregnant!!!! Do you realize that????? You're pregnant!!!!!! Stop being soooo childish!!!!! Just imagine, you will be a mother!!!!! A kid will call you mom!!!!! A life is growing inside you!!!!!! You need to be more and more careful!!!!!"

I felt a smile spreading on my face. My eyes welling up.

Maybe Shilpa di is right???

Hope you liked this part!!!!

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