Part 46

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"Do you like this color Noorrrr!!!!!" Azan said looking at the dress.

I was a little bit jerked by his sudden call. I nodded.

"Of course!!!! Why????"

"Who wears red in wedding!!!" He muttered. I chuckled.

"Are you mad or what??? Everyone does!!!!"

"I don't like it!!!!" He pouted.

"Last time you chose the color!!! Now it is my turn!!!" I smirked.

"Ok so last time you left so it is my turn to lea......" He snapped.

I was taken aback for a moment by this. I felt my heart shattered in different pieces although he didn't mean it.

He looked down like a kid guilty.

"Sorry Noor I didn't mean it!!!!" He said slowly. I smiled.

I went near him with a huge smirk.

"So you don't want to marry me huhh?????"

"No... I..i did..n't......" He shuttered, his eyes widening.

"Tell me!!!!" I chuckled playfully. He giggled then smirked at me which was so cute.

"Ok I don't want to marry you!!!" He makes an angry face.

"We will see....."

"We will see!!!!" He said in mimicking tone coping me.

"So you are challenging me!!!!"

"Yes. I will not come!!!!" He pouted. He frees himself from me and started going with a fake angry face.

"Ok let's see. Challenge accepted!!!! I will wait for you." I said chuckling but genuinely meant it.

"Ok....." He left and I sighed heavily.

My heart throbbing wildly inside my chest as I felt physical pain in my head. This was surely going to be hard. I am freaking outttttt. Can you understand? I felt terrible.


I wondered if everyone feels the same in their wedding? The feeling was just.... forget it!!!!

It's like I am freezing and shivering at the same time I am burning. I already felt my palms sweating already as I opened them then again closed and repeated.

My breath was thumping in my throat as I took water and drink wetting my throat. I felt instantly relieved to let the cold water went through my dry throat.

Did I told you that I couldn't sleep whole night thinking about it?

Well, I also didn't let Azan sleep with me. But that's not a big deal........

To be honest, I was scared. Scared of my worst nightmare. It really hurt, hurt a lot to leave everyday in fear. What if something happens to him when I am not around? What if I fail to fulfill my promises again? What if I break his heart again?

I started again feeling broken and my eyes felt watery again.

I wiped it hurriedly before anyone could notice. It would be so embarrassing.

Calm down Noor. It's going to be alright!!!

I assured to myself.

"Boooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!" Someone screamed behind me, I knew the voice for ages.

This fucking jerk.

I almost fell from bed. I glared at him.

"Hahahahaha sorry Miss-N !!!!" He laughed like an idiot. Though I seem to get lost in his voice.

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