Chapter 6

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I arrived back at the café and was in a noticeably better mood than I had been in previously. It felt like a weight was lifted off of my back.

"You look happy, did they give another big tip?" Trey asked, effectively ruining my good mood. How did Trey even know it was Corbin? Or Dylan? But Erick was the one who placed the order. He probably knew the club was owned by a wealthy person.

Reaching into my pocket, I handed Trey three twenties, keeping the two other bills in my pocket. "The order was fifty one dollars and forty seven cents. The customer gave me sixty".

I was rewarded with a scowl. "Do better next time, fuck! I don't care if you do sexual favors for them, just get better tips! I'm saving up to buy my girl a nice bracelet, and I need more cash!" He exploded with anger.

I frowned, twiddling my thumbs needlessly. "Sorry, I'll do better next time," I hate when people yell at me, especially when I didn't do anything wrong per se.

"You better." Trey walked tensely to the back of the café with my nine dollar tip.

Yes! I successfully kept my tips... well, most of them. This day is really looking up compared to yesterday!

My shift ended around midnight. It's now twelve thirty. I sat in the café, waiting for a call or text from Corbin. He never wound up texting me, though. I got sick and tired of subjecting myself to wasting time. I left the café and got home at one am. I was fighting to sleep all night, but it never came.


My alarm went off for school. It's way too early in the morning to get up. Worn out after yet another sleepless night, I closed my eyes once again, ignoring my alarm. I should stay home from school today. There's no way I'll make it through the day feeling like this.

I mustered enough energy to pull myself out of bed and slap my alarm off the nightstand. I sat on the side of my bed, rubbing my temples soothingly. My blaring alarm caused a piercing headache to begin forming.

I stared out of my window. It was pitch black outside. I really wish I woke up an hour later for school. I love waking up to a bright, sunny morning. Since it's October, there were no birds chirping in the morning. I miss that too.

I fell back onto my bed, the sheets rippled under my weight. Skipping a single day of school won't hurt. Plus, I work later anyway so it's not like I'll spend my whole day in bed.

The creaking of my door caught my attention. I cannot get a break. Mia appeared in the doorway, pissed off but equally concerned.

"Get up, we have school, Leo." Mia isn't a morning person, and she made it painfully obvious every morning.

"I'm not feeling well, I didn't get any sleep last night. Just go without me." I replied.

"Fine, feel better." It's her way of caring for me. She may sound cold and rude, but that's Mia for ya. She walked away, closing the door behind her. She seemed understanding enough, or else she would've fought me on my decision.

I pulled the blankets over my head, hiding from the world. I curled my body into the fetal position, attempting to fall asleep for the billionth time in the past few hours.

I was reluctant to take medicine to fall asleep since anytime I had in the past, it's always made me restless when I woke up (As if I'm not already restless...). Not to mention the worry of becoming addicted. Some people can't sleep without taking melatonin pills, I don't want to end up like that.

Eventually, I fell asleep, but it didn't last for long. I woke up to my phone buzzing dramatically next to me. I groggily pushed my covers off and raised my phone to my face. The brightness of my phone screen practically blinded me.

Love me, Dominate me, Or both (mxb)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ