It Might Be Her

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"Alpha, your mom requests your presence in the kitchen, sir. She wants your approval for the menu for the guests arriving today." one of my guards, Spencer says as I sit on my chair in front of my desk. I had been going through countless papers today, trying to get all my work done before my guests arrived.

I was incredibly nervous. My best friend, Alarick cleared his throat after he noticed I wasn't answering. I continued reading the document, lifting my finger for them to wait. I jotted down the last notes and cleared my throat. "Tell my mom to pick what she likes best. I'm not good with these things, she knows that. What about my sister, Lily? Has she gotten up already?" I asked my guard, making him sigh.

"No, Alpha. She hasn't come out of her room yet. She asked that we don't bother her today." he says, making me worried. My sister, Lilianne, or Lily for short, hasn't had it easy the last few years, she's been isolated from everyone, and cooped up in her room most days. I can't blame her, she was kidnapped by some idiot alphas who were working with rogues and were going to use her as a slave, not knowing she was my sister.

I had just returned from my alpha training months before, and Dad had just passed away while I was still training. They thought she was the alpha being she was older. They thought that by kidnapping her, our pack was left vulnerable and was going to be left without an alpha, but they were wrong. I had trained since a kid for my alpha position, plus the pain of losing my dad and the news of her kidnapping was fuel enough for me to go after them.

Boy did they regret ever messing with her? When I saw her... how they had tortured her, mistreated her... did things to her... I lost it.

I made sure they never saw daylight ever again, and I will be damn if I let someone else hurt her. I will not let her or anyone I care for get hurt like she did, ever again. This only makes me regret not being able to find someone very special to me. It broke me when she suddenly vanished without a word. To think that she may have gone through the same thing fills me with anger and worry.

Abigail Montero. She was my biggest crush when I was a teen, and she has never left my mind. I've looked for her all this time but with no luck. I've found a few clues, and have even gone to three different places where they said she may be working, but haven't had luck finding her.

True, I found my mate a few years back, her name was Leah. But she was a gold digger who was using her chosen mate for his money, all while trying to get into my best friend, Alarick's pants. I'd be damned if I ended with someone like her. But for the past two years, my mom has been pushing me to take a chosen mate. I don't get why she is so adamant about me taking a chosen mate, I guess she's just afraid I'll be alone forever. Plus, the pressure of having a new Luna substitute her after she's gone.

Girls from my neighboring pack where Abbie is from have been advancing on me, flirting and sending me signs since the day they heard my mother was pressuring me to take a chosen mate. Even Abbie's sister Tara. Goddess, I can't stand her. She's my age but hasn't found her mate either. I can't stand her though, she's so damn clingy. I had to restrict her from coming to my pack unless it was extremely important.

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