Tara Montero

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I walked toward the corridor of Hunter's pack house alone. I felt a bit awkward walking through here. It's been a while since the last time I strolled through this pack. It was always with Abbie and Lily in hand as they would invite me to play with them when we were small.

I miss those days, just as bad as I miss seeing my parents so bad. I've been wanting to go see them since the minute I heard Felicity asking for us to accompany them to this party. But if I see them and a certain someone finds out, I won't hear the end of it.

I'm troubled though. A big guilt hasn't stopped me from making me feel like the lowest scum in the universe. No... the lowest scum of all existence.

I have been debating for days on the need to tell Abbie the truth. But how do I talk to Abbie, where do I start? if I tell Abbie, I just know she's going to hate me. I deserve for her to hate me though. I don't deserve Abbie to be my friend. I hate myself right now.

I'm tired of being Tara's punching bag. I'm a strong warrior for fucks sake! But... somehow, I can't stop being scared of her. Maybe it's because she had always secretly bullied me. I never told Abbie about this. She already had so much on her plate when we were small; having to deal with her abusive dad and narcissistic sister, Tara. The last she needed to know was that her sister Tara was bullying me too.

Abbie would have wanted to look out for me too, because that's just how she was; and I was not about to add to her load.

When I first heard Abbie had left our pack, I was so crushed. My only friend had left; I was alone, and defenseless. With Abbie out of the way, Tara had more anger in her that needed venting. And who did she take it out on? That's right... me.

I only acted strong in front of Abbie and acted as if I had it all figured out, I had it all together, but inside I was a broken mess. Tara has a way of making you feel so insignificant, worthless, a measly scum under her shoe. When Tara confessed to me what had really happened to Abbie, I almost lost it. She made me believe Abbie had died after she had left with a boy.

But I knew she had to been lying about the boy, I knew Abbie didn't have a special guy because the only guy Abbie had ever loved was Hunter.

I know Abbie used to think I was stronger than her because of everything she went through with her real dad, but she was wrong. She was the tough one of us two. She was braver than me. I admired her so much. I especially admired that she never let Tara intimidate her.

She stood up to Tara, and that's why Tara hated her the most. Abbie was the only one willing to talk back to her, the only one willing to fight back. The only one not willing to let Tara make her feel inferior and intimidated.

I sigh, coming to stand in front of a tree, far away from everyone else's view, looking at everyone practicing battle training. Boy, how I missed being able to practice with my pack.

When I found out I was mated to the new alpha of her pack, I was over the moon. I thought... finally, I Little bit of luck for me. I slept with him, giving myself to him entirely, because the mating bond was so strong I was sure it had to be love. He made me believe he was in love with me and wanted me in his life as his mate, and Luna.

But it was all fake. It was a farce to get me in bed just to reject me the next day.

I asked myself countless nights why? I felt our connection, I felt his wolf... he loved me. Just as I loved him.

But Tara had asked him to reject me. She didn't have a mate yet, even though she was older by a few months. She made him believe that she wanted the Luna position and she was willing to do anything to get it. She promised him to love him and all kinds of shit, seducing my mate to the point where he was willing to put us through the pain of rejection.

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