Provoking The Luna

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Abbie's POV

After Analise and Luna Mandy ate breakfast with me, Analise went back home to meet her grandma. They had a big order today for one of our high schools. There was a big football game happening, and the school had placed a massive order of cupcakes. To help Agnes and Analise, I asked some of the omega girls to go and help them.

Surprisingly, they were more than happy to help her. I'm glad not everyone looks down on her, but I still need to ta;k to those teen girls and set things straight. The last I want is for them to think their behavior toward Analise is ok.

"Abbie, dear, I'm a little worn out today. Would you be ok if I went to take a little rest?" Luna Mandy asked as I went over a few documents with her. I don't have a lot of experience with Luna's duties, but I am learning fast, and I was more than happy to let her leave to go rest.

"Not at all. I'm almost done, so you can go ahead and rest if you'd like." I replied, making her smile.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetie. You're learning this rather quickly. Hunter was right; you were the perfect Luna for the job." she says, making me blush.

"Thank you, Luna Mandy. If it's ok with you, I'm going to go out for lunch today. Lily hasn't been out of her room, so I thought I'd invite her out for lunch today." I said, making her shoulders drop with a big smile.

"That sounds great, honey. But... please be patient with her. I'm not sure if she's ready to be out in front of so many people for so long."

"Don't worry. I will stay close to her at all times."

" I know you will take good care of my baby. Thank you, Abbie. I'll see you later, ok?" she says, standing up and hugging me.

I finished my work and then did a few more paperwork, trying to finish as much as possible so that Hunter's work didn't pile up so much while he was out. I then went to Lily's room, where I begged her for a while but finally got her to go out with me to have lunch.

I allowed her to pick, and we ended up at a Chinese fast food place inside our mall. We enjoyed eating quietly for the most part, talking and joking around. Then we did a little shopping, and to my surprise, Lily actually had a good time. She bought new shower gels and soaps with nice scents and bought herself new skirts, a few long-sleeved shirts, and sweaters.

Her wardrobe had changed so much. She was so conservative, didn't like showing her body, yet still dressed pretty chic.

"I'm getting a little exhausted. How about a cup of coffee before we head back home?" I suggested, making her sigh.

"Yes, please. My feet are actually killing me. I haven't walked this long in such a long time." she says, making me chuckle.

We made our way to a small coffee shop and ordered coffee for the two of us. Of course, I couldn't look over the fact that Henry was following us around, by orders of Hunter, of course. So, I got him a nice big cup of iced coffee and a big turkey and ham sub with the works, setting it in front of him three tables away from us.

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