Mi Casa Es Su Casa

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Just what the hell was that? I almost lost it back there. "That will not happen again," I said aloud, making Merida chuckle. "Never say never, Abbie. You liked it, and you know it."

"I DID NOT!" I said, furrowing my eyebrows. The truth is, I did... I really did and that's what upset me the most.

Hunter's kiss was still lingering on my lips. I could still feel the sparks on my body and my lips where he held me. The adrenaline surged through me, making my mind clouded. A part of me wanted to go back and kiss him, and another part of me knew... it was wrong.

I closed my eyes, touching my lips. I could still feel his gentle yet passionate kiss on my lips. The image of his dark eyes on me, made me feel like I was melting, and the way he looked at me was so... loving.

Goddess, this is a mess this is bad... this is so bad. Something in me told me it was an alarming thought to come here today, and I was right. I was so darn right, why did I come back, why did I have to change my mind? "My Goddess, this is such a mess!" I grunted as I thought aloud, running my hands through my face frustratingly.

"I... I was over him. I was. I hadn't thought of him for a while, and I didn't dream of him, or feel anything anymore. The thought of him had zero effect on me anymore. So... Why? Why did you match him with me, dear goddess Selene? Why?" I asked our moon goddess as I looked heavenward.

I walked toward a small pond that was made by Hunter's dad when I was small. It was always my favorite spot. Almost no one came here, making it the perfect spot to sit quietly when I needed some peace and quiet. Tara hated it whenever she found out I had been inside this pack. She hated me being anywhere other than at home cleaning after her and Armand.

Whenever she found out I was here, she'd tell Armand she seen me run off with friends or a boy. She'd lie to him because she knew it was a sure beating for me when I got home. I guess you could say that the only thing I'm glad of is that I have not seen them since we arrived.

I kicked a little pebble on the floor and sat on a bench. I couldn't help but sigh as I looked toward the water lost in thought.

I'd be lying to you if I said I wasn't trying my hardest to avoid Hunter the rest of the day. It's true he made me react against my intentional abrasiveness. His kiss had me rattled inside, making me want to deepen the kiss and never let go, but damn it... stupid mating bond. If the werewolf mating bond didn't exist, I knew I could have avoided that feeling.

Why does he have such an effect on me? I need to get him out of my mind.

I got up and turned ready to walk around when I saw him again. He was still shirtless, I think he's fucking doing it on purpose. Asshole... "Yeah, but he's a sexy asshole," Merida says, making me grunt.

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