I Thought I Knew All About You

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Abbie's POV

Hunter kissed me, pulling me by my waist and making me straddle him. The big gown was getting in our way, so he pushed it off from both sides by the skirt, making both of my legs become exposed so I could straddle him. Don't worry, though; we are completely alone and have no one to bother us or eavesdrop on us.

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck, and kissed him passionately. "I should have looked for you more, Abbie. But every time I came close to finding you, it was as if you were running from me. Our little game of cat and mouse chase without us ever being aware." he whispered, holding me by my ribs and nudging his nose softly against mine, making me smile.

"You know, the first time I found a clue about where you were... you were working at a tiny cafe, Clarissa's, I think?" he says, making my eyes wide in shock.

" You only worked three weeks there, then, puff... vanished. You gave me no chance to ever talk to you; by the time I got there, they said you had quit. I bet you didn't even know I came by looking for you when you got fired." he says, making my eyes widen in shock.

"What? How did you?.. How did you know I worked there? And first off, I didn't get fired; I quit. I had too much going on, with a full college schedule, training, and helping Dad with the shifting ceremony for the new kids joining our team. But that's not the point. How did you know all this?"

"I know every place you ever worked at. What school did you attend, and why you were fired from Fred's dinner recently. Don't worry... I'm the new owner of that dinner. Andrea and your old boss have been fired, and the place is being remodeled as we speak. Joanna," he says, making me tilt my head puzzled.

"Yes, that little girl with the red hair and green eyes. She's your friend, right?" he says as he leans closer, making me bite my bottom lip as I look at him in amazement. My hands instinctively go up and rest on his chest as he runs his hand over my thigh softly. "She is," I say, smirking.

Is he for real? We've only been mates for a day! Ok, two, but still! How and when did he find all this out and yet never had a clue about why I had to run away? Never knew where I lived or what pack I had ended in?

And to top it off, Tara even lied to him, telling him I took off with some random guy? Typical of her, though. I'm not even surprised.

His hand pulls my thigh forward, making me gasp. I can feel his bulge increase as he brushes closer to me, making me suppress a moan.

"Joanne told me about your little argument with that Andrea girl. I fired her, and I gave Joanne a fully paid vacation until the place was ready for her to come back to work. The place was a dump; I had to have the place demolished and rebuilt from scratch. She'll be the new manager of the place. Now, why... have you been running from me, woman?" he says as he leans down, kissing my neck and making me close my eyes. I bite my bottom lip, letting an involuntary moan escape.

"I... I didn't know you were looking for me. I swear."

"Lies," he says as he licks my neck, right over my new mark, causing a shiver down my spine.

"I swear, baby. I'm not lying. I didn't know you'd been looking for me. I... I thought you had moved on. I... I was told you were already sleeping with other girls! Remember?" I admitted, making him look up with narrowed eyebrows.

"Now, why would I do that? Do you not know who I am? It's me, baby! I've never given up looking for you, Abs. Ever since we were kids, ever since I was hit by your scent back in elementary, I knew," he declared, widening my eyes.

"That beautiful scent of cherry blossoms and peonies... it's always been you, baby," he says, making my heart leap. My stomach fluttered, and I cupped his cheek as he looked at me, digging his eyes into my soul. "You... you knew since then we were mates?" I asked, puzzled by his words.

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