Chapter 2

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Readers POV
All day I have been pacing around the house thinking about whether I should go to the party tonight.
It's in the woods.. do I really want to possibly get drunk, in the woods, at night?
I thought to myself as I pace into my room, opening my wardrobe.
What would I even wear? Is it causal? Smart casual? Full blown piss up nights out clothes?
After an annoyingly long time, I decide to ring up Lyrisa and ask what I should wear tonight.
"Hello lyric? It's [Name]. I was wondering what you were gonna wear tonight and what you think I should wear?"
"Why don't you wear what I'm wearing? A short dress!"
"A short dress? Won't we get cold?"
"No we won't! Check the weather! It's meant to be hot tonight!"
"Oh.. okay.. I don't think I even have a short dress."
"Yeah you do! Remember that [F/C] one I gave you for your birthday?"
"Oh yeah, I see it. So I should wear that?"
"Hell yeah! It'll look good on you!
Anyway, I have to go and prepare for tonight. See you!"
Before I had chance to say goodbye, Lyrisa hung up the phone.
[F/C] short dress huh? .. Hmm.. Okay.
Without a second thought to change my mind, I pull out the dress and begin to get ready for tonight. I had a few hours but with everything to prepare, it would soon come quick.


Finally ready, I open my front door, step out of my house and close it behind me. Lyrisa had texted me where the party was so, following her description of 'go left at the post sign', I shouldn't get lost.
I'm so gonna get lost.
But one thing for certain that she was right about, it definitely wasn't cold. Which meant that my walk was a nice on. Although, on my travel I did keep getting a strange feeling that I was being watched but I blew that feeling off as I was just paranoid that it was late at night.
It's 11pm. I should be lazing around in bed. Not going to an outside party in the middle of the forest!

It didn't take me long to reach the party but as soon as I arrive, I instantly regret it. There were lights and loud music, lots of people who I didn't even know. There were people who were already drunk and throwing up. I wanted to just turn and run but as soon as the idea popped into my head, Lyrisa came running to me.
"[Name]! You're finally here!"
She cheered, hugging me tightly. Almost squeezing every last ounce of air out of my body.
"Lyric who are all these people?"
I ask, rather loudly as I could barely hear myself over the loud music so I doubt she could hear me.
"Oh.. um. Su said she wanted to invite some people."
"How many of these people did you invite Lyric?"
"Um. 2."
"Which two?"
There was a pause as Lyrisa looked around at all the people dancing and being stupid, before turning back to me with a regretting expression.
"You and Su."
I was shocked. There must be at least 50 or even 60 people here and Su invited every single one of them.
"How many did you say she could invite Lyric?"
"Um.. I said she could invite one or two."
"Yet she invited 50 odd?!"
"I didn't want to be rude and say no! They were her friends!"
I sigh and place my hand on Lyrisa's shoulder. Looking around to see if I could spot Su so I could talk to her about inviting too many. Finally I spot her standing by a table holding a bowl of punch.
"Okay wait here."
I tap Lyrisa as I head over to Su. For once her eyes weren't glued on a phone but instead her mouth was glued around a cup filled with alcohol. But she finally puts it down when she spots me walking towards her.

"Oh god, not this loser."
I shake off the weird voice I keep hearing and stand by Su's side as she glares at me through her hair bangs.
"Su why did you invite so many people when Lyric only said you could bring one or two?"
I ask in the nicest way I can but she glares at me as if I just killed her cat.
"Don't talk to me like you know me. You don't know anything. I can invite who I want, who cares what she says. And her name is Lyrisa."
I was stunned by her rude reply. My hunch about her being a not very nice person was seemingly true.
"I'm just asking as a friend and I know what her name is but she likes to be called Lyric so I'm respecting that and calling her by what she wants."
"You don't respect her. You're only doing what she wants because you know that she likes me more than you and that if you annoy her she'll dump you and I'll be her new best friend."
Su's words angered me as she was acting like a child and not thinking about what she was saying.

"What are you talking about? I think you're drunk, you might wanna stop with the alcohol."
I reach out to take the cup but she smacks away my hand harshly.
She yells, drawing the attention of everyone at the party. Some nosey kid even stopped the music so he could listen.
"Don't ever fucking touch me again!"
She spat, shoving her hands into my shoulders, causing me to stumble back. Sniggers here and there could be heard.
"[Name], Su! What's going on?!"
Cried a voice. Lyrisa's voice.
"I was asking Su why she went against what you asked and then she turned on me-"
"She's lying Lyrisa! I was having a nice calm drink, then you're lovely friend [Name], came up to me and tried to pick a fight!"
Not only was Su rude but she was also a lair and I hoped to god that Lyrisa wouldn't believe her.
"What! No I didn't! You know I didn't! I came to ask why you invited so many-"
"She came up to me right. Tried to come on to me and grope my breast! When I told her no, she got angry! So I had to tell her to stop!"
Gasps and whispers could be heard from every angle of the forest. Everyone here was believing Su's story over mine. And even if they didn't believe it, they would pretend as they were Su's friend. Lyrisa stares at us both in shock, not sure what to believe.
"I didn't try and grope you! I wouldn't never do such a thing! I tried to take your-"
"Bra off?! You told me you wanted to take my bra off and do things with me!"
"WHAT?! No I didn't! I tried to take your drink as you were drunk!"
"Clearly I'm not drunk! You're making excuses so you don't look bad in front of everyone!"
I had no idea what to do. Su was coming up with idea after idea on how to make me look bad and everyone was believing her. I had no idea what to say in my defence as whatever I said, she would make it sound worse.

Lyrisa walked up to us both and looked us dead in the eye. Trying to figure out who's story was true.
"Lyric, you've got to believe I would never do that."
"Don't listen to her Lyrisa! She tried to rape me and!-"
"God her voice is annoying."
Su didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as a voice appeared in my head once again, but this voice didn't sound like Su. We watch as Su freezes, her face scrunched up and her back arched. Blood starts to dribble out of her mouth as she gargles and coughs, falling to the floor, landing on her stomach.
Screams fill the forest as a hatchet or some type of axe protrudes out of Su's back.
Everyone scrambles to make a run for it but Lyrisa and I were frozen on the spot. We couldn't move. I shakily turn my head to see Lyrisa, to find that she had blood splatters on her face. Must have been from when Su coughed and gargled.
I stutter in fear, reaching out to hold her arm but before I could, her figure falls to the floor as she lays unconscious. She fainted.
I crouch down and try my best to lift her body. Holding underneath her arms as I lift her torso. She was heavier than she looked.
I tried to drag her but I froze when I heard footsteps in front of me walk out form  the trees.
I shakily raise my head to see a figure with a hoodie, wearing what seemed like steampunk googles and a mouth guard. It had brown hair poking out from under the hood. I couldn't see any of its features to tell its gender. All that I could see was dried blood on its shirt. It was definitely dry, which meant, it wasn't Su's.

The figure walks over to Su's body and yanks the hatchet out of her spine. Causing a cringing sound of ripping flesh to pierce my ear drums.
"What an *tic* an annoying g-girl."
It stammered and flinched. It appeared that the murder had a stutter and suffered with tics.
It wiped the blood onto its shirt to clean it. Somehow I felt that it hadn't seen me and Lyrisa, so I slowly start to back away, pulling her with me.
However, as I step back, I stand on a twig which irritatingly snaps loudly. Causing the figure to turn and look at me.
Oh f-fuck..
It stands there for a while as it stares at me creepily. It's head tilted to the side.
"She's still standing there like an idiot holding her friends unconscious body? What a joke."
A voice rings trough my skull, causing me to realise what I was doing. I look down to see I was still crouched, holding onto Lyrisa. In a panic, I drop her and take a few steps back, but then I realise what I had done so I rush back to her and lift her torso once again.

"What an idiot. Trying to save her friend instead of herself."
I grind my teeth to the voice and annoyingly reply to it. However, I accidentally replied out loud.
"I'm not an idiot!"
Realising what I done, I drop Lyrisa and cover my mouth with my hands, looking over to the figure to see it's entire body was facing me.
It begins to walk towards me so I back away quickly.
"Don't *tic* move!"
It demands angrily, causing me to freeze like a cowered. Slamming my eyes shut as I wait for my end. But nothing happened.
I slowly peal open my eyes to see the killer standing directly in front of me. I scream but it's hand, which seemed to be gloved, covered my mouth.
Tears begin to fill in my eyes as I worry that this might be my last day on earth, but instead, I was left confused but what it asks me.
"Wh-What did you ju- *tic* just say?"

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