Chapter 42

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Readers POV
My eyelids slowly peel open as the bright light from the room and from the sun through the window beam down onto my face. I couldn't help my squint. I tried to sit up but it was hard to move. My body was so limp and drowsy. It was as if all energy had been removed from my person and all I could do was roll my head and shift my eyes. I felt so numb.
It was hard to make out my surroundings, everything was so blurry and white. I couldn't make out any object perfectly. I had no idea where I was.
"Ah, you're awake. How are you feeling Miss [Last/Name]?"
Spoke a mans voice. Confused, I shift my fuzzy stare over to the source, as I did so, it was as if all my energy came flooding back. What I saw was the cut faced murder in a white long coat. Screaming, I squirm to get out of the bed I appeared to be laying in but he rushes to me and holds me down.
"No! Get off of me! Don't touch me! Get away!"
I yell as I desperately try to pry out his grasp.
"I need some help in here!"
He calls out. Continuing to restrain me. I begin to panic as the two masked murders both run in wearing some sort of blue ish white apron.
Rushing over to aid the cut man to hold me down.
I scream desperately over the murders hurried discussion.
"We need to sedate her to calm her down, or else she could rip her stitches and bleed out."
I yank my arms and legs vigorously, tearing my self out of their grip as tears stream down my cheeks but I suddenly felt a sharp prick in the side of my upper arm. Yelping I pull my arm away,  wrestling against them but I soon started to grow weak.
"H-Help..! Somebody..!"
Just as my vision starts to darken, I watch as Toby bursts though the doors, causing the three to look over at him.
He rushes to my side by the masked men keep him back.
"Nurses get him out of here!"
Ordered the cut faced murderer.
Just as I begin to fall unconscious , I catch one last glimpse of my surroundings. The murderers faded away, leaving behind a doctor and two nurses. Seeing the murderers again was just my imagination. These people were actually trying to help me. I let out a quiet weak gasp before everything turns black.

"Mummy? Daddy? Where are you going so dressed up?"
I smile happily as I make my way over to my parents as they stand by the door with love practically written on their faces. My father wore a dark blue suit with a flower in the chest pocket and my mother wore a long slim dress.
"We decided to go out for a romantic dinner for our anniversary! The babysitter will be here any moment!" Smiles my mother as she's dragged out by the arm by my father as they chuckle together.

3 hours later as I lay asleep in my bed. I'm suddenly woken by the slam of the front door and the yelling of my parents.
"How dare you accuse me of doing such a thing!"
My mother cries towards my father.
Worried, I quietly make my way out of bed and stand at the top of the stairs, listening.
"You said you were finished! You promised me you had stopped! You said you were clean!"
"I am clean!"
"Then what are these doing in your bag?!"
My father yells, followed by the sounds of pills been shaken in a small bottle container.
"I said to you I was clean and no longer addicted! I kept one bottle! One! Just for those days where I can't stand to look at you and need something to make me happy!"
"If you were clean, you would have none at all! I can't believe you're doing this to [Name]! You're her mother! She looks up to you! How sad is it to think that my daughters roll model is a pathetic drug addict!"
Just then, a loud sound of skin to skin contact rings through my ear drums, followed by my mothers cries.
"Oh- oh no! I'm so sorry! I didn't, I didn't mean to!"
"Save it. I think you should sleep downstairs tonight."
That was all that was said until footsteps make their way up the stairs. My father coming into view. He looks down at me and sighs, kneeling down to my crying person, wiping the tear from my check with his thumb.
"I'm sorry you had to hear that sweetheart.."
"Did.. did mummy hurt you?"
I ask between my sniffles. He shakes his head, tucking hair behind my ear.
"Don't worry about me sweetheart. Daddy's fine.."
"Can.. can I go see mummy? I think. I think she's upset."
My father sighs, looking down but soon lifting his head to again make eye contact.
He kisses my forehead before standing up and heading into his room. Taking one last sniff, I wipe my tears with my sleeve and head downstairs. Finding my mother crying at the kitchen table.
I say quietly, she lifts her head turns towards me, a weak smile forms in her face as she opens out her arms. Rushing to her, she picks me up and sits me on her lap, hugging me closely.
"I heard you and daddy fighting."
She pulls away and wipes away hers and my tears. Nodding her head.
"I know sweety.."
She kisses my forehead, pushing her fingers through my hair.
"I love you so much.. My precious little girl.."
"I love you too mummy."

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