Chapter 4

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Readers POV
It was the next morning and Lyrisa had stayed over my house for the night as neither of us wanted to be home alone, knowing there was a murderer out there.
Lyrisa was in pretty bad shape. She was still shaking from last night. During Su's death, most of the blood splatter went onto Lyrisa, especially her face. During her shower I could hear her scrubbing her face even through the wooden door. It sounded as if she was trying to scrub her skin off with sandpaper.
She sat on my sofa with a blanket, watching the TV as we waited for the news paper to arrive. The murder wasn't on the TV news so we had a feeling it would at least be in the news paper but it seemed to take longer than usual to come.

Finally there was a knock at the door, although it wasn't my usual paper boys knock so I was a little worried but I still opened he door. I breathe a breath of relief to see it was a paper boy, just not my usual guy. This one had brown hair with beautiful brown eyes. Although he had a small scar on his cheek near the corner of his mouth.
"Here's your. Paper, miss."
He spoke oddly, as if he were straining or holding something in. It sounded painful. I reach out my hand a take the paper.
"Thank you."
I say with a calm smile. He nods and smiles in return.
"You're most *tic* welcome."
I freeze when I see a familiar trait, my eyes widening slightly but I try not to make it obvious.
"Something, the matter?. Miss?."
He asks, seeming strained again. I remember the killer had a tic but he also stuttered..
Ugh what am I thinking?! He must think of me so rude. There are more people in this earth who suffer with tics and stutters. Don't be so quick to judge [Name]!
"I apologise."
I speak softly in the hope he would forgive me for acting strange after his moment of having a tic.
"That's, quite *tic* alright. Miss."
He replies with a forgiving smile. I sigh and give one last smile before closing the door and heading over to Lyrisa so we could read through the paper.

Ticci Toby's POV
I smile as she closes the door but I don't hear the sound of it being locked.
Ugh I'm such a fucking idiot. I couldn't hold back my tics!.. At least I managed to keep my stutter under control but that just made me sound like a fool who was straining like he was holding in a shit. Next time, I won't hold them back. I'll probably look more sane.
Angry with myself. I storm around the corner to where I had left her original paper boy. He was in an alley, tied to a drain with rope and his mouth was gaged shut. The alley was quite run down so there were lots of alcohol bottles and broken pieces of glass. I could have just killed him then and there but I wanted a chase.
I grab a shard of broken glass and slice the ropes. He instantly stands and makes a run for it. I grab an unbroken bottle and chase him out the alley but I eventually grow bored and throw the bottle at him. It smashes against his head and he falls to the floor with a thud. Not thinking twice, I stand over him, grabbing his hair, lifting his head and slicing his throat with the glass shard.

Readers POV
"So? What does the paper say?"
Lyrisa turns to look at me, away from the paper. She sighs and shakes her head.
"Nothing on the first 3 pages but I'll keep looking."
Her voice was low and saddening. Even though Su was a complete asshole. Lyrisa still thought of her as a friend.
I pat her shoulder and stand to my feet, heading for the kitchen to make a snack for us both.

Hmm what to make. What to make..
I pace around my kitchen thinking of what food to make my Lyrisa and myself, until I heard it.
I kinda hope she has some veg soup. I've been craving it for a while.
I grin and head to my cupboard, taking out a tin. Lyrisa doesn't know I can read minds as she was out cold when my trait was discovered.
I'll keep it a secret for now..
I finish heating the soup in two bowls and head back to the sofa, handing her a warm bowl. She gasps a little and smiles, looking over to me.
"Just what I wanted! How did you know?"
She chuckles, bringing a spoonful to her mouth and savouring the flavour and it's warmth.
"I uh, had a hunch."
We both chuckle together and continue to eat our soup as we flick through the news paper.

"Ah! Here."
Lyrisa said, putting down her spoon and pointing to the paper. By her finger was the sad picture of Su's dead body. A huge gash in her back that was pretty deep. You could see the bone belonging to her spine and there was a lot of blood that had poured out.
"Nasty way to go.."
I try my best to morn for her being as she was a friend of Lyrisa's. But she was definitely not friend of mine. Although, the death of anyone should be morned.

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