Chapter 20

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As we get further down the street, Tomo decides that we were at as safe distance to allow me to walk for myself. Which was good as my legs started to grow numb and I needed to talk about what just happened. Tomo lowers me to the ground and begins to start walking but I grab his shoulder, stopping him from doing so.
"Tomo I need your help. I'm not sure what's going on with my mind, but something weird just happened.."
I tighten my grip on his shoulder, causing him to glance down at my hand, before looking back to my face. Nodding, he turns to face me, i lower my hand and take a deep breath.
"It's as if I was switching between realities.. or, something?"
"W-What do you m-mean?"
I had to pause in order to think of how to word the experience I just had. Was there even a way to word it?
"I don't know how to explain it.. but what I remember is that.. you carried me out of that place and the murderers followed and stabbed me. As I screamed, it was as if I woke in my house and I had never met you but I remembered you. Lyrisa thought I was crazy then I woke up to where we are now.. what does it mean?"
Tomo sighs, taking a step closer and placing his hand on my shoulder for comfort. But before he could speak, tears fill my eyes and begin to trickle down my cheeks, causing his eyes to open wide in slight shock to why I was crying.
"Am I going insane? Is this all real? Are you real?! I don't know what's real and what isn't. My life must all be one big dream! I can read minds for gods sake and that's-"
I freeze almost instantly, my glare frozen on Tomos face as I wait for a reaction. I just spilled my secret of being able to read minds. Unless I've told him before and forgotten? Have I told him yet? I haven't have i?... have I?!
"Tomo I, uh. I mean-"
Before I could finish, it was him who interrupted me. But not through speech. Instead, he just pulls on my shoulder, taking me in a warm embrace. Holding me close. I was shocked and didn't know how to react. My body was stiff but I felt myself slowly relaxing due to the calming sensation of his hug.
"Y-You're not insane [Name]. T-T-The fear just go-got to your head and m-made you see things.And as for the m-mind reading. D-Don't worry, I believe you. I kno-know someone with abilities l-like yours."
I couldn't help but hug him back tighter. His words just made me feel warm and happy that he understood me and didn't think I was crazy. Especially after the fact that I let my secret slip. But who does he know that is similar? Can they read minds too? Or do they possess something different?

Ticci Toby's POV
I don't know what came over me. I just couldn't help but hug her. She was just so sad, scared and hopeless. Usually to see such fear on my victims face would make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Wanting me to cause them more pain. But with [Name]. When I see fear on her face, I just want to make thy fear disappear.
I admitted that I believed her minding reading, after all, I did know others with odd powers. Slender one of them. Though, despite her ability. She probably wouldn't believe Slender's.

"Hey Tomo.. can we, hang around together? Again, sometime.."
she said shyly as her head remained burrowed into my chest, which I couldn't help chuckle to.
Resting my chin on her head, I sigh with contentment. A small smile forming on my face. It felt nice to have a smile will proper meaning behind it for a whole.

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