Chapter 47

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Painter chuckles. I expected there to be a pause but Toby answered almost instantly. Causing me to grow warm and my heart rate to increase a little.
"Tell you what painter. Lets have some fun with this."
He chuckles, breathing harshly against my ear. The man in the mask tilts his head, adjusting his position to a more comfortable stance.
"Gather everyone up. We're going to have a hunt. Whoever finds her, gets to kill her."
He forces me away from him, pushing me towards the floor. Gasping on impact as my wrist clicks painfully from where I tried to stop myself falling. Holding my sore hand close to my chest, I turn to see Toby looking down at me, Painter was now too stood beside him. Toby leans down, his face inches from mine until he smiles evilly.
"You might wanna run."
He laughs, causing my to breathe heavily, stumbling to my feet, scrambling away down the ball. Listening to Toby's and Painters laughter fading in the distance as I grew further away. Running all though the maze of hallways and rooms. I had no idea where to go. Any room is a bad idea, who knows what's in there. But staying out in the open is also a bad idea.

Slowing my pace to a stop, leaning down to rest my hands on my thighs in order to catch a breath. I suddenly hear a low pitch cackling. Turning around I spot a monochrome clown running towards me, slashing its long finger like claws in my direction. Screaming I turn to face forward again and make a dash for it. Holding my arm as tight as I can as my wrist begins to swell.
Turning left, down the hall then to the right, down another hall and to the right again. Only to come straight back to the main entrance. I had gone round in a circle. Looking around, I notice no one so I slow to an aware walk as I search around. Quietly looking for the best place to go. But I suddenly stop as my mind picks up an unknown, unfamiliar voice.
"There she is.. that bitch."
Even though the voice was spoken in the persons head, it was full of anger and even had a growl to it. As I look around, trying to spot the person. I begin to hear a quiet yet loud distance ticking sound. Almost like a clock.
"I'll make her pay for taking my man."
As Im distracted by the voice,  suddenly someone springs out, grabbing my arm. I scream and try to run but they quickly shush me to be silent.
"Hey I'm not gonna hurt you! I'm here to help!"
They whisper yelled so only I could hear enough. Turning around, I'm stunned but what I see. A girl with long brown hair and covered in scars. One of her eyes was a beautiful emerald green. The other was missing but replaced with a pocket watch that had been removed from its case. It somehow still worked and ticked away in her socket. I couldn't help but hiss through my teeth quietly in cringe.
"Listen! I know you think you cant trust me but I'm honestly here to help you escape!"
Her voice seemed recognisable but I couldn't click where from.
"Follow me.."
She gestures, heading towards the stairs. Away from the front door. Cautiously following her. She leads me all the way up stairs to some sort of attic but I don't enter the room she wants me to. I remain outside if it's door.
"What you watching for? Come on!"
She calls for me to go in. But instead I take a step back. I'm sure the voice I heard in my head was her voice. I didn't trust her.
"[Name] come on?!-"
"How do you know my name?"
I begin to panic. How did she know my name? How could she?

She stares at me blankly before growling, taking a knife and lashing at me. I yell in fear, rushing down the steps but on my way down near the bottom, I trip, causing me to fall. Luckily something caught me, but unluckily, the thing that caught me was a knife. It drove straight through my chest. Gasping for air over the pain, I shakily and weakly look up to the source holding the knife. A tear rolls down my face as Toby's emotionless  face comes into view. I feel winded and agony as he pushes the knife deeper and twisting. Causing an ear twitching grinding sound against my ribs.
I wheeze as he yanks out the knife, blood pouring out of my mouth until my body falls to the floor. Everything turning white.


"[Name]! Wh-What are you doing! We d-d-don't have time for this!"
Toby calls panicky. I shake my head to find myself back in the street outside the forest. Toby still him same old self.
"What! What happened?! You- you killed me! I saw it!"
Toby drags me to the edge of the forest but stops to get a strong look at me.
"Wh-What are you talking about?"
I was confused. What happened felt so real. The knife, the wrist, the heartbreak and fear. Did I imagine the scenario in my head from panicking or fear?

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