Chapter 56

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"You killed it... didn't you?"
I say low and calmly. Though Jack doesn't answer right away. There would have been silence, only Jacks low growl prevented a silence from occurring.
"What do you want from me Toby? Huh? The truth? The truth about what happened? Why the child never returned with us? Is that it? You expect me to spill all my secrets out to you just like that?!"
Not only did Jack sound highly defensive, even more so now than ever. But he also sounded upset. Something bad must have really happened. I could tell in his voice that this was a touchy subject.
"I'm gonna end up d-dead soon anyway. I at least w-want to know the truth."
Jacks mask stares at me blankly as a pure silence radiates over us until he finally sighs, dropping his head a little in a small nod.
"I went out on a mission. My lover, she gave me a knife to try instead of a scalpel. I used it just to please her. The child wanted to come but I said no. She wasn't old enough. But, she ignored my order. When I was out in a forest as part of my mission, I began to grow tense as there were loads of people around. I became more alert. Then suddenly, I hear rushing footsteps behind me. On instinct, I spin around and slash my knife at the source. Only to see the pain on my child's face. I had sliced right across her throat. Tears in her eyes as she cries, gasps, trying to ask, 'why', but couldn't get out the words as blood gushes from her neck. I could see the betrayal and horror on her face as she falls to the floor. I had never felt such agony in my heart. Despair I never thought I'd feel. I abounded my mission and headed home. My lover was angry but we needed to escape. So we came back. I chose to distance myself from everyone to ensure I never harm anyone close to me again... there? Are you happy now?"
I was quiet for a moment. Jacks story really hit me hard. He accidentally murdered his own flesh in blood. His own family. His own daughter.
"So then, y-you understand the despair I f-feel when I see [Name] get hurt?"
Jack turns to look behind him, glancing at [Name]'s limp body as she begins to stir and come around little by little. Only the slightest of movements, but still unconscious due to the slow working fluid used.
"Jack, s-she's not who you think she is. She special t-t-too."
Jack huffs, shaking his head in disapproval as he leans onto one leg bending at the knee.
"Of course you would say that Toby. You love her. "
"N-No not that! I mean, like your l-lover, [Name] has a special a-ability too.."
Jack seems taken aback by this information as he suddenly straightens his posture. Standing tall and stern as he looks down at me.
"What do you mean-"
"J-Jack please. You have to h-help me. As an old f-friend. Please! I c-can't let [Name] die.."
Jack paused for a moment. I could feel his cold eyeless stare burning holes into my skull as he tries to process whether I'm telling the truth about her being special.
"Fine... I'll help you. But I will still have to play along for some bits until I can get you out."
"Okay but, h-how do I know you'll definitely h-help-"
"He's... he's telling, the truth.. Toby.."
a soft, weak, tired voice spoke out between breaths. We both look in the direction of the source to see [Name]'s eyes in our direction, her head facing us as she weakly smiles. Trying her best to use l the energy left to speak.
"I.. I heard it.. in, in his mind. He.. he promises, to.. help.."
she was so tired, she found it hard to talk. I hated seeing her like this. I just wanted her safe. Jack instantly turns in my direction. If he didn't have his mask on, I would bet that he had a shocked expression on his face.
"What does she mean. She heard it?"
"Th-That's her ability Jack. She's a m-mind reader."
Jack does not respond to me. Instead, he turns away and walks over to [Name]. Stopping in front of her. She weakly raises her head to meet his masks gaze.
"You can read my mind?"
she nods slowly, her blood soaked hair falling in front of her eyes slightly.
"Then. What am I thinking now?"
There was a moment of silence as she studied his mask hard. Her cloudy eyes locking on his figure before a small smile forms.
"You.. You pray, to your daughters ghost, praying that she, forgives you.."

Jack yells out loudly, swinging and punching the wall rather hard, causing a large fist shape hole in the wall. Panting heavily.
I mutter, asking if he was okay. He snarls, snapping his head in my direction before storming over to me, grabbing the collar of my shirt and yanking me forward.
"What trickery is this? Huh?! DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?!"
I was surprised and completely speechless. Had [Name] gotten it wrong?.. no, she couldn't have.. she always get it right. Down to the very last word. Jack?..
Though as his anger starts to calm, his frustrated breathing turns into what seems to be the cries of regret.
"How, how did she know.. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE!"
"Jack.. Look at what we are.. W-What your lover was. A s-shape shifter!"
"She became a shape shifter because OF ME! I did that to her! But this, this wasn't just given to [Name]! How is it possible!"
Jack throws me back, slumping to the floor. He was one of Slenders best murderers. I had never seen him so vulnerable, so fragile. I watch as he sighs, checking over his shoulder to look at [Name] as her head hangs down. She had lost all energy to hold it up anymore.
A low hissing sound erupts from Jack as he stands to his feet.
"Alright. I can unlock your chains, but not [Name]'s. When the others return. I will help you to take them down. Do you understand."
His tone of voice had completely changed. It was no longer shaky and full of sorrow, instead it was stern and menacing. Bad enough to send shivers down my spine. I scrunch my face into a sly grin and nod with approval. Jack returns the nod and begins to unlock my chains.

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