Chapter 44

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"Mum? What are you doing with those?"
My mother jumps as she hears my voices, swiftly hiding something behind her back in a panic. smiling awkwardly.
"Nothing hun, don't worry about it. Go find your father, he's takin you to college today."
I grunt as I move closer to her, staring her down as she shakes.
"Mum what are you hiding? Give them to me."
"No [Name]. They're not for you."
"They're probably not for you either!"
I yell as I grab her, wrestling for the item she held behind her back, snatching it out of her hands.
I sigh as I look at the item in my hand. She had lied again.
"When I was little and heard you and Dad arguing over pills, you promised to get clean! You lied to us! Again! You're still taking these?!"
I yell as I gesture to the pill pot I angrily gripped in my hand.
"[Name] listen-!"
"No mum! You lied to us! You said you were clean.. some clean this is.."
I lower my head, throwing the pill pot down to my mothers feet. She wipes away a tear, sniffing and she bends to pick them up.
As I turn to walk away, I stop and tilt my head a little in her direction.
"I'm taking you to therapy.. if you don't get clean this time.. don't come back home.."
Screamed a voice. Though this wasn't the voice of my mother or my father.


My eyes suddenly slam open as I see Toby being pulled and dragged out by the police. 3 tall Males all struggling to grip tightly into him to pull him. He kept ripping from their grasp to run back to me.
"What are you doing to him?! Let him go!"
I plead as I sit up in my bed, but I suddenly get restrained down by two nurses.
"Get off of me! Toby!"
I cry as Toby gets yanked out of the room kicking and calling my name.
"Let me go! I need to help him!"
I try to pride myself from the nurses grip but the pair were too strong.
"Miss! The guy was a wanted criminal for murder! He is getting his punishment. What he deserves!"
"No! No he's a human too! He has feelings!"
"Murderers do not have feelings! They don't have empathy, happiness, sadness or love-"
"You're wrong! He loves me!"
"Miss! That's impossible! He's a psychopath!"
"NO! You're wrong!"
I scream as I desperately try to break free. One nurse reaches for a needle to sedate me, but I wouldn't let them.. not this time. I growl angrily as I look to my left. One nurse held me by the wrist. So instead of pulling away, I force my fist towards her, punching her directly in the throat. She releases me and gasps dramatically, clutching her hands around her neck. The other nurse frantically tired to get the needle ready, but with my now free hand, I reach over to the tool table that stood beside me, grabbing the surgical scissors and turning back to the needle holding nurse, slashing her throat. Blood squirts onto my face and the walls. Pouring down her chest as she gargles, falling to the floor.
Hurrying out of my bed, the breath winded nurse grabs my shoulder as I walk past but I spring round and drive the scissor blades into the back of her neck. Blood spurting at me once more. She grows limp and a simple yank causes her body to fall to the floor.
I'm coming Toby!..

I rush off out of my room and look down either hall. There was no sign of Toby but I could still hear him yelling.
I call out, only to hear him call my name in reply. Running towards the direction of the voice, another person behind me calls out, but not for my attention.
"Nurse stop her!"
Yelled a doctor. I look around to see he had just come out of my room. A horrified expression on his face, causing me to laugh.
As I look forward again, a nurse stands blocking my path. I thought about running in a different direction. But then I had another idea. Smirking evilly, I run faster towards her, but her strong blocking stance soon becomes a fearful one as she witness my evil grin and blood splattered face, watching as I pull blood soaked scissors out into the open. She turns and runs but I was too close to her now. Pouncing on her, she falls onto her stomach and tries to break free but I stab the scissors into her spine before she could push me off. Her scrambling soon ends as she lays beneath me, completely lifeless.
Chuckling, I step off of her, continuing on to find Toby.

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