Chapter 26

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Ticci Toby's POV
I couldn't take it any longer, if I had to wait another minute, I was going to explode... mentally. Trying to hold back my urge, i inhale deeply, however, I ended up creating a hissing sound as I suck air through my teeth. This caused [Name] to gasp, turning around to face the wardrobe. Luckily she was now wearing clothing but I couldn't get the image of her naked body out of my head. It was too perfect to ignore. Seeing somewhat shocked, she slowly and carefully makes her way over to where I was hiding, her arm slowly reaching out to the wardrobe door. No no! Please go away please go away!
Thankfully my pleads were answered. Just as [Name] reaches the door, Lyrisa called out to her, asking her to come downstairs. She responded to her and ran to her in the flash. I took my chances to leave the wardrobe and escape into my room. Double checking I left everything how it was when she left. Wardrobe closed, bedroom open. Check.
Entering my door, I close it and lean against it, signing with relief, slowly lowering down to sit on the floor. God I'm such an idiot. Never again will I take a advice from BEN..
As I sit there on the floor with only a towel around my waist, there was suddenly a knock at my bedroom door.
"H-Hey Tomo? You in there?"
A familiar voice calls, belonging to [Name]. I quickly rush to my feet, pushing against the door in case she decides to come in.
"Y-Yes I'm here! B-But I'm not d-descent!"
I warn her. Yes I was in the towel but that wasn't the point. I still had a certain 'something' to deal with from earlier occurring in [Name]'s wardrobe.
"Oh that's fine. I was just wondering.. I need to pop into town for some groceries.. would you like to come with me? Lyrisa won't go."
She asks innocently. Something In me wanted to go, but something else in me wanted to stay to slaughter Lyrisa.. what do I do..?
"Y-Yeah ill come. G-Give me 20 m-minutes!"
With that, I hear her footsteps fade away downstairs.

Readers POV
I make my way downstairs and confront Lyrisa.
"He said he'll come."
"See! That's good! Now you can try and get closer to him!"
I sigh and walk to the broom closet and crab my cardigan. It wasn't cold but it was good to be safe.
"[Name]! Don't ignore me! This is good for you!"
"I dunno Lyric.. My parents didn't like me dating so wouldn't I be going against them?"
"You dated people even when they were alive. Surely this won't be no different?"
"Ugh.. I'm not going to force it! We'll just see how it goes!"
I sigh to try and calm my nerves as I wait for Tomo to come downstairs.
Not long after mine and Lyrisa's conversation. He finally comes down, fully dressed.
"You ready?"
I ask with a smile. He nods, returning me also with a smile
With that, we exit the house and make our way into town.


"What about these ones?"
I ask for Tomos opinion as I point out the bag of apples on the display.
"Th-They are a bit bruised. Here h-how about- *tic* about these?"
He asks, pointing out a different bag containing much brighter, juicier looking apples. Reaching out for them and taking them to inspect. I smile and give him a nod, placing them in the basket. Making our way round to the next display station.
"Okay.. let's see.. for the fruit salad.. shall we add mango, orrrr, melon?"
I ask once again for his opinion, this time, for which fruit he would prefer to have. Rather than just the better bag.
"Hm... Ma-Maybe melon? I f-find that mango t-taste like p- *tic* pencil lead."
"Yes I agree!"
We both laugh together at our disliking to mangos taste.
"Lyrisa loves mango. I don't understand it."
He chuckles at my mock to Lyrisa's taste in fruit. Smiling to one another, we move on to the main course meal.

"Okaay.. Anything here take your interest?"
I ask him for his preference. But I did not hear his reply. Instead, only silence. I thought maybe he had walked off, but I was wrong. He was stood right beside me. Looking at me.
Once I say his name, he awkwardly looks away before clearing his throat. I couldn't help but blush slightly.. was he staring at me for a reason? Or just lost in a day dream that happened to be in my direction? Why would he be staring at me though?..
"Ugh. Look at that guy. What a freak."
A voice belonging to a female rings in my mind from behind me. I turn around to see a girl staring at Tomo as he tics and twitches.
"He is not a freak! Get lost you judgmental cow!"
I shriek at the girl. She gasp at my outrage to her. Acting innocent and small.
"Me? I didn't say anything-"
"I heard you! Now get lost!"
She scoffs and storms off. Only soon to realise that by doing this, I had caused the attention of everyone around me. Even Tomo.
Sighing, I walk away to the next section. Tomo following behind.
"Sorry.. I had to defend you.. she called you a freak.."
"If I d-don't hear it. It doesn't b-b-bother me."
"Yeah but I heard it! And it bothered me. A lot! She doesn't know anything about you, how can she judge you when she knows nothing!"
I rant angrily as I reach out for some orange juice in the fridge. Unfortunately, I could not reach. As I attempt to grab it, I suddenly feel a presence lean over me. Their body heat colliding against me as they grab the juice bottle. Handing it to me. The source turned out to be Tomo. Blushing slightly. I take the bottle from him and place it in the basket.
"Thank you, Tomo."

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