Chapter 7

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Ticci Toby's POV
I exhale proudly as I stare down at my master piece. Ramming a stick in the eye is so much more appealing than it sounds. Turing away, I trot happily back to the mansion to get changed.
If I am to meet [Name] and try my best to manipulate her, I need to make sure she can't read my mind - I'm pretty sure Slender may have something to help me.
As the large building comes into view, I notice EJ and his girlfriend walking back to the front door, returning from a mission. Jack usually eats organs and has no eyes, his girlfriend was some sort of shape shifter. They originally left when they found out she was pregnant but one day they returned without the child. I didn't want to ask what happened. I feared they both might eat me. Literally.

Walking in the door, EJ and his girl were no where to been seen. The only person I could see, was Slender.
"Toby, I said you have no missions today. Why are you covered in blood?"
I couldn't tell if he was in a bad mood or not, his non existent face made it very hard to tell his emotions.
"O-On the way ho-home. I stopped to t-take care of a d-d-dirty cheater."
Slender didn't answer me, instead he just turned and started walking away.
"Hey *tic* Slendy!?"
The tall figure stops and pivots it's body to look at me, tilting his head.
"I n-need a favour. There's s-something I nee- *tic* need from you."
"You want the remedy to prevent that distraction from reading your mind?"
I was shocked at how on point Slender was, but the again, it was Slender. He pretty much knew everything about all of us and what we're thinking. He's like a god... A god of.. like death and stuff.
"Y-Yes Sir."
As soon as I answer, Slender teleports away but poofs right back, holding a small bottle, vile thing, containing a black thick liquid.
"If I give you this. You must perform better and kill more than your quota."
I nod quickly, giving a toothy smile, only to remember my mouth guard was on.
"If she drinks it - she won't be able to read anyone's mind. If you drink it - she'll be able to read everyone's mind but yours. It's your decision for who drinks it."
He places the bottle in my hand then disappears. I had already decided that I would drink it as she would need her ability in order to become one of us.
Running to my room, I slam and lock the door, flopping onto my bed, pulling out my phone.

Readers POV
As I lay bored on the sofa, staring into space, I jump due to my phone buzzing, causing vibrations to echo on the wooden table. Reaching over limply, unlocking my phone. I had received a message. It was from Tomo.

Tomo - "Hello [Name], its Tomo. Sorry for not texting right away. Wanted to wait until I was home first."

"Hello! No that's quite alright. Sorry for rushing off on you, I wanted to check my friend was okay."

Tomo- "that's understandable.
So hey, about meeting up? Are you feee tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? Yes I think I am. I'll have to let my friend know but she'll be fine. As long as I don't just walk out on her."

Tomo- "Okay great, can you do around 5pm?"

"5pm? I usually make dinner for myself at that time.."

Tomo- "We can eat out."

"Hm.. Okay. Looking forward to it."

Tomo- "As am I."


I couldn't help but smile. I had never had any friends other than Lyrisa, especially not a boy. So it made me happy that someone - a male someone, wanted to meet.
Rushing upstairs into my room where Lyrisa was, I open the door to see she was just waking up.
"How are you feeling Lyric? Fully rested?"
"Yes thank you [Name]."
She replies in a groggy tired voice.
"Hey I won't be here tomorrow around 5pm. I'm meeting someone."
Lyrisa instantly stands and slides over to me swiftly.
"A maaaaale someone?"
She winks, nudging my arm.
"Yes Lyric. A male someone. "
"Oooo details details!"
"After we meet, then I will."
She pouts like a child giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Fine fine! Rugged brown hair with beautiful dark eyes. Though he does have a stutter and a tic."
"Who cares what he has! As long as he's hot!"
She winks and once again nudges my arm.

Near the beginning of this chapter. Anybody notice what I did? Huh huh ;)
I'll give you a hint.
If involves  the characters + story line in my EJxREADER.
I'm good with hints ;)

Ticci Toby X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now