Chapter 27

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"Thank you. Tomo."
I say shyly as he stares at me, his beautiful dark eyes locking on my person. It made me feel a little awkward or maybe even slightly embarrassed. But at the same time. I couldn't help but blush.
Noticing my shyness, Tomo Smiles, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the next section.
"O-Okay. Moving on. Dessert?"
He grins as he gestured to the large ice cream part of the store. It seemed bigger than the other sections. Which I would totally understand, it's ice cream for god sake.
"Hmm. So many flavours! Shall we try something new?"
"M-Maybe. Let's see. Sh-Shall we try either Coffee or, C-Carmel?"
After a few seconds, of not knowing which to pick. I grab both and place them behind my back in my hands. Switching them around from hand to hand.
"Okay Tomo! Pick a hand!"
I giggle as I stop shuffling them. This way, neither one of us knew what we were gonna get and it would be a surprise.
I watching as Tomo flicks from left to right. Thinking about which he should choose.
"Uhhhh. Yeah! I choose the left hand!"
With that, I pull out the ice cream in my left hand from behind my back, revealing the Carmel ice cream tub.
"Tada! Carmel it is then!"
We smile, putting the coffee tub back and placing the Carmel in the basket.
"Oh yeah. We never actually picked a main meal. I kinda just moved on from that girl.. let's go back and pick."
"H-Hey. No wait here. I ha-have an idea."
Doing as Tomo says. I stay where I was and watch as he makes his way over into the previous section.

About a minute or so passes and Tomo finally comes back with a ready meal in his hands.
He says sweetly, as he holds it out for me to see. I was impressed. It was my favourite ready meal.
"Oh wow! How'd you know I liked this one the most? Or did you pick up a random one?"
"I g-gave it *tic* some thought and picked wh-which I thought you'd like."
Nodding with a smile. I take it from him and place it on the basket. We were now finished so make our way to pay.

We were on our way home, talking casual conversation as we made our way down the streets. Holding a bag each, equal in weight..ish.
"Thank you for coming with me. I don't usually like going on my own.."
Tomo stops and turns to face me with a somewhat confused expression.
"W-Why don't you like going on- *tic* on your own?"
I was silent for a few seconds, thinking about what I should say to him. Whether to tell him the real reason, or just say I don't want to talk about it.
"When my parents were alive. I went shopping with them once. And someone tried to steal my mothers purse. My dad got it back, but he suffered several punches and bruises from the thief.. I Guess I was just scared that I may get mugged with no one to help me.."

Ticci Toby's POV
I watch as she tells her reason behind her fear of shopping alone. Her expression was so saddening. I hated seeing that look on her face. I didn't want to see it again.
"[N-Name]. You don't need to b-be fearful anymore. *tic* I will be here to pr-pro-protect you."
I don't know what was happening to me. I shouldn't be feeling this way towards her. She was on my mission list. She should have been dead and six foot in the dirt ages ago. Or perhaps rotting on a cold floor of an abandoned experiment facility.
"Tomo.. Thank you."
Before I could reply, [Name] had wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her head against my upper chest near my neck, in a warm, close embrace. It felt nice, so much so I almost instantly hug her back. A few seconds pass and I try to pull away but her grip tightens, causing me to say in that position.
"Just stay like this.. a little longer.."
she asks. I couldn't say no. Her voice sounded so innocent and vulnerable.
I reply. Turning her head up to look at me, she smiles. Her perfect cheeks plumping as the corners of her mouth rises up. As I stare into her beautiful [e/c] eyes. I don't know what came over me, before I knew what I was doing. I had lent my head down and placed my lips upon hers. They were so soft, so warm. I didn't want to part. But I had to remember what I was. Who I was.. Pulling away, she blushes and switches her gaze elsewhere.
"S-Sorry..I um.. I don't know what came over-"
Before I had time to finish, she had interrupted me by shushing my with her lips. Kissing me back for an extra few seconds. This time, she pulls away first, also releasing me from the embrace.
No words were spoken, only awkward shy smiles were exchanged as we continued our way back to the house.

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