Chapter 18

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An agitated growl erupts from the figure as they raise the crowbar, throwing the glass piece - the only weapon I had, behind itself, away from me.
"You little bastard!"
It yells, charging for me. Screaming in terror, I make a run for any direction furthest away from the figure. Running and running, stumbling on a few things along the way. Every now and then I would check behind me to see if it was safe to stop and catch my breath. It was never safe. The figure was always constantly behind me, I couldn't lose him at all, it seemed impossible.
I cry as I continue to run for my life. My heart and lungs felt like they were going to give out at any moment. If all this running won't kill me, that masked figure sure will.
Running on and on, I finally spot a bright light I thought was sunlight. I run towards it with relief, only to be struck over the head with a blunt object, knocking me unconscious.

Ticci Toby's POV
As I wait captured in Jeffs arm, I hear the yell of Masky, soon followed by the screech of [Name].
"Well well. It seems your little bitch is fighting back. That won't get her very far."
He chuckles, tightening his grip, making it almost impossible to move. Jeff frees one of his hands and holds up a flashlight. I would have been easy to free myself from his one hand but I was curious of why he had the torch. I look over to him but he just grins widely, turning on the flashlight and holding it completely still. In the distance, I see [Name] running towards the light. I wanted to shout and tell her to stop but it would too late. Jeff hit her with the torch, knocking her unconscious as she lay at my feet. Not long after Masky comes running behind. Not panting from all the running, not even a slight elevation in his breathing. Nothing.


Readers POV
I finally come around to feel my body bouncing and wobbling slightly. Opening my eyes, I look up to see a recognised face.
I say with a smile. I soon figure out the my body bouncing was due to him running while carrying me. He looks down and sighs once he saw I was awake.
"Tomo, where did you go? I was scared."
"Sorry, the m-murderer captured m-me but I broke fre-ee and f-found you unconscious, so I es-escaped."
"Do you mean.. the murderer called... ugh what was his name... the one who wears the goggles.."
He states bluntly. Triggering my memory of when I first came across the murderer, his partner calling his name.
"Yes. How did you know his name?"
"L-Let's just say, I-Ive come acr-oss him m-many times."
"How many times is many times?!"
before he got a chance to speak, he suddenly freezes, cashing me to look at what his eyes were fixed on. The murderer who killed the men in my house, the murdered with the cut face. He stood before us with an angry yet smirk expression.
We turn around but the Masked figure stood behind us, preventing an escape.
"Going somewhere?"

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