Chapter 29

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Ticci Toby's POV
I lay on my old bed inside the mansion. CW fast asleep on her bed, I forgot she was my roommate. I was exhausted. BP had been training me all day. My missions list was completed within 3 hours. 18 People ticked off. Though, it should have been 19, but I removed the name that was at the bottom. Mainly because [Name]'s name was at the bottom. As I couldn't harm her. Why am I like this? I'm a killer for fucks sake! Why should I care for her wellbeing..
I begin to grow agitated as I lay doing nothing. I had to see [Name].. Either to warn her or tell her I'm going away for a while.. or.. tell her everything's fine? UGH what do I do?!

Sitting up, I'm quietly make my way to the bedroom door, being sure not to wake Clockwork. Luckily she seemed to be a heavy sleeper. Leaving the room, I carefully close the door, being sure not to make a sound.
If I remembered correctly, EJ or LJ sometimes monitor the halls, either together or taking turns. So I had to watch out. EJ was usually okay with me but not when Slenders involved seriously and as for LJ. He wouldn't hesitate to bring me in.
I quietly make my way down through the halls until I'm stopped by a voice behind me.
The voice sounded somewhat confused, so I knew it wasn't EJ or LJ. Turning around, I sigh of relief when a friendly familiar face is revealed.
"Kagekao. Th-Thank god it's you."
He approaches me quietly as the dark surrounds us in the empty hallway.
"It's b-been a while.."
"Yes. It has."
I had to remember that Kagekao faces a language barrier due to being originally Japanese. So most of the time, his responses are very limited. Most of the time..
"You're. leaving again?"
I sigh placing my arm on his shoulder, of course he doesn't flinch or shift stance but I needed to get my point across emotionally.
"I'm s-sorry Kagekao. I have to leave. I.. I m-m-met someone. I must see her. Pl-Please don't tell anyone. Including *tic* Slender.. please."
"Okay Toby."
He nods. Tapping his shoulder, I run as quietly as possible to the front door, exiting and not looking back. Making my way to [Name].

Readers POV
I had been in the bath for hours, must of been at least 4, going on 5. I know it's bad to do that but it was just so warm and calming. I didn't want to get out. As I lay in the warm water, a knock rings through my ears as someone bangs in the bathroom door.
"You're still alive in there right?"
Of course, it was Lyrisa.
"Yes Lyric, I'm alive."
"Good, close the bath curtain I need to come in and cut my toe nails."
Grunting, I pull across the curtain and call for Lyrisa to enter. Once inside, she closes the door and heads to the shelf, taking the nail clippers and sitting on the toilet seat lit with her foot hanging over the edge as she clips her toe nails.
"How's the bath going?"
"How's the nail clipping going?"
"Funny. Don't worry I'll be out in a second."
"It's fine Lyric. Take your time. I'm not going anywhere soon."
The sound of metal crashing against metal stops as Lyrisa pauses her toe nail cutting, sighing and swapping her feet.
"[Name], you can't stay in there forever. You'll shrivel up like a raisin."
I couldn't help but giggle. Lyrisa always said the weirdest yet true crap.
"Too late for that. My fingers are like prunes."
This time it was Lyrisa who laughs as she stands and puts the clippers away.
"Alright [Name]. Think about coming out soon. Or shall I say. 'Agnes darling. Don't forget to to drain the tub and don't break your hip when standing up. Do you hear me? That's a good girl.' "
She mocks in the tone of an 80's century old women who could also be in her 80's.
We both laugh as she exits the bathroom.
Taking Lyrisa's advice, I stand out of the bath and pull the plug, waiting for it to drain before grabbing my towel and wrapping it around my hair, rubbing it thoroughly, placing it inside the washing basket and grabbing another towel to wrap around my body to cover my chest down to around my thighs. Just enough to cover everything. Though I needed new ones as they were getting short. Every time I bend down, the full moon rises.. if you get what I mean..

Leaving the bathroom, I make my way to my bedroom, only to find an exhausted Tomo sat on the edge of my bed.
After hearing my voice, he quickly stands to his feet and rushes over to me, wrapping his arms around me into an embrace.
"Tomo. Is everything alright?"
His grip around me tightens but soon releases as he pulls back to allow me  a better view of his face. He looked so tired. What has he been doing?
"[Name]. I h-have something t-to tell- *tic* to tell you."
He breathed heavily but slowly calms down as his gentle eyes lock with mine.
"[Name]. I d-don't know what's come over m-m-me the last month or so I've kno-known you.. I have a strange attraction t-to you I cannot figure out.. I'm s-so drawn to you. I-I tried to shake off the f-f-feeling, but I couldn't. For wh-who I am a-as a person. I sh-shouldn't be able to feel love. B-But I do. I fe-feel it for you. You m-mean so *tic* much to me. I d-don't know why but I d-don't want anything to ha-happen to you. I wa-nt to be the one to protect- *tic* protect you. I.." 
He pauses. His voice was so shaky and nervous. I could tell this conversation wasn't planned or if it was, he was still scared to say it. However, All emotions shot over me all at once. I didn't know how to feel or how to react. I was completely at a lost for words. I felt so warm around Tomo, so bubbly and full of life. Hearing him say these things made me feel happy, and almost glad.. did I feel the same way for him?
"I.. Um. [Name].. wh-what I'm trying to s-say is.. is t-that.. I love you."
Hearing those words so clearly directly from his lips caused a tear from my eye. For the past couple of days. I've been having so many weird feelings around Tomo and now I know what those  feelings are, what they mean.
"Tomo, I... I love you too."

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