Chapter 5: Soulmates

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I feel my cheeks heat up at this comment, and Namjoon seems to have noticed this too because his face turns the color of a fucking tomato. "I'm sorry, that's only if you want to be called that I-" he stops as I cut him off.

I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes, and it begins to get difficult to see. You know how Jimin's eyes practically disappear when he's smiling or laughing? Mine do that too. I can't fucking see for shit.

"Yah, Taylor, we didn't mean to make you cry!" Jimin calls, sitting up and reaching to wipe the tears from my face. The other members look worried as I gently move his hand away, waving my own to show that I'm fine.

"No, it's okay!" I respond with a soft smile. "I love it.... I feel really happy right now.."

The rest of the members, who had looked our way to see what the fuss was about, let out sighs of relief. "Well, I have a very important question to ask you then," Namjoon says, and the guys nod as if they know exactly what he's going to say.

"Out of curiosity, do you have a soulmate?" he asks, and if I was still eating strawberries I probably would have choked. I practically did on the goddamn air earlier. Fucking air, trying to kill me and shit. You have one job.

Right. When a person is born, it is said that only a piece of their soul is with them at the time, and they often spend their life searching for the missing piece, or pieces of their soul. Oftentimes these people are drawn to each other, but it doesn't always mean romantically.

Soulmates do not discriminate between gender, race or religion, and when you find your soulmates, a tattoo appears on your body to represent them. Often it is in a place visible to the eye, such as the chest, back, arms and hands. They can be covered with clothes and makeup, though the connection is still there.

Soulmates also have what is called a bond, where they tend to have a strong connection or even seemingly magic powers when it comes to their soulmates. Not every soulmate is the same.

The one thing all soulmates have in common is that once you find your soulmate, you have a stronger connection to their feelings, at least extremely strong ones. You tend to be a bit more overprotective of your soulmate.

This doesn't mean that all soulmates stay together. There have been times when soulmates decided to split apart due to many reasons, good or bad.

The only way you can find your soulmate is through trust. It doesn't have to be complete trust, it can simply be a level you are comfortable with, such as admitting something in your dark past to someone you feel is the only one you can tell it to.

Other times it may be in a more romantic setting, but rarely it can happen out of nowhere. One soulmate may even find out before the other, for it doesn't mean you will be aware of it right away.

Finally, a soulmate bond does not just happen between two people. It can happen with multiple, but it is rare to see more than three or four at most. In those cases, groups never feel truly complete until they find every piece of their soul.

I look at Namjoon with wide eyes. "I don't think so," I reply once I've caught my breath. As far as I know I've never had that bond with someone.

Sure, I've dated in the past, but we broke up due to either finding out we aren't soulmates or other means. "Have you all?" I ask, looking around at the other men around me.

Namjoon gives me a curt nod. "Well, we all are each other's soulmates." he says softly. "We found out during our trainee days, and have been inseparable ever since."

Taehyung tugs on the end of my pant leg with a grin. "Hyungs we should show her our tattoos!" he says, shaking the bed a little as he wiggles excitedly like a puppy.

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