Game On: Ticket

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Theme song: 'Just Dance' by J-Hope

Sketch happily rode in the passenger seat of the car while Gisselle and the boys took the back two rows. I like to think I've gotten a bit better at navigating the city streets, since I'm still not too good at reading the signs. I just try to use landmarks and GPS to find my way.

My baby wanted so badly to stick his head out of the window, but of course I couldn't let him do that. All of us may have masks on, but if anyone recognized me right now it would be all over the news.

Thankfully the meeting place isn't too far away, and I make my way to the back parking lot of the pet friendly arcade. This is more of a private parking area, which we have to use for obvious reasons.

I recognize my soulmates' car pulling in right behind us, which is kind of surprising. They must have gotten breakfast that was further away than the house was from the arcade.

Sketch hops out through my side of the car as soon as I step out, Jungkook's face lighting up as he sees me. "Tajang!" he cries, wrapping me up in a hug. "I was so sad to hear you had to miss breakfast."

"Well I'm here now! Happy birthday, Usagi!" I reply as I return the hug. Sketch barks excitedly, and Jungkook laughs before letting me go to pet the pooch. Gisselle and the TXT boys then file out of the car, and the maknae's jaw drops in surprise.

"W-what are you all doing here?" Jungkook says, unable to wipe the smile on his face.

"To celebrate your birthday of course, hyung!" Beomgyu replies, and I can see Jungkook wince a little at the honorific. He still hasn't gotten used to being called hyung yet, I feel bad for the poor bunny. However the smile never leaves his face as he goes to hug each one of the boys, stopping in front of Gisselle.

The latina gives him a devilish smile before extending her hand, causing the rest of us to burst into laughter. Jungkook returns her smile and takes her hand, and I feel someone else's hand envelop my own.

"How are you feeling?" Jimin whispers quietly into my ear, barely audible enough for both of us to hear.

"Pretty good, though I'm a bit nervous," I responded. "Are you sure it's safe to be in a public place like this?"

"Yeah, no worries," Jimin responds, leaving a gentle kiss on the side of my head. "Security is already put in place in case anything happens, most people thankfully have the common decency to leave us alone when it comes to this kind of thing. Plus, this is a good opportunity for us to interview the security here that are on our list."

Jimin does have a point. It's less suspicious for us to interrogate them this way, and we've already gone through the rest of the stylists and camera crew on our list.

The boys had asked me to confront Gisselle a while back, to which I promptly refused. What the hell did they think I was going to say?

Oh sure my seven hot as fuck idol soulmates, I'd just love to interrogate my best friend to see if she's the saesang behind the incidents and messing with our emotions. I'm SURE that would go over so well.

Dumb asses.



But dammit they're my dumb asses, I still love them like crazy.

Even Hoseok, though I'm still angry with him right now. As more time goes by, I keep getting this ache, this longing feeling that I need to speak to him, to talk to him at least.

It didn't show up right away, and that might be due to the fact that we aren't true soulmates. But it's definitely there, and I would catch Hoseok looking in my direction more often than not as if he felt the exact same way.

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