Chapter 86: Your Benefactor

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Jin's POV-

I carefully set her crutches upright against her nightstand, they must have fallen to the floor somehow. It's gotten pretty late into the evening, her skin is drenched with sweat which was probably due to the immense amount of pain she was in. I reach over to grab the pack of medicine patches that the doctor gave her, which she had set beside her carousel on the nightstand. 

The least I can do is get her comfortable so that she isn't in pain or as she would say,'all gross' when she wakes up. I go to her dresser, pulling open her pajama drawer and grabbing a set of shorts and a tank top. Tonight is particularly hot out for fall, so that would probably be best. I should probably get Namjoon or Yoongi for this part, I don't want to invade her privacy.

Yeah, we all know about what happened that morning. It's not easy to hide something like that from Taehyung, and Yoongi bluntly confirmed it when asked. "Namjoon!" I call, deciding on our leader in this case. Taylor doesn't stir from my volume, and the tall male quietly opens the door and walks on over. I rest my hand on the woman's forehead, her skin hot to the touch which takes me by surprise.

"I was planning on drawing a bath for her, since she wouldn't want to wake up like this," I say with a soft smile. "But I don't want to push any boundaries with her." I think all that the woman needs is to lay in there for a bit, especially if she's burning up like this. 

Namjoon nods in understanding, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'll take care of it, I assume you'll put the new patch on her after?"

I nod and stand up, heading towards her bathroom and leaving her in the care of our leader for a bit. I start up the bath and look around while I wait, since I've never been inside her bathroom before. There are some unopened boxes in the corner, which I assume is the stuff she bought to decorate the place. Well, I suppose it's a good thing she never opened them, I think to myself. Since we will be moving as soon as BigHit finds us a new place to stay.

The incident was leaked almost instantly, though it's hard to hide something like this. We had to alter our schedules and rush over to the hospital after Taylor passed out that night. Already there's been a flood of support from ARMY, and we got a call from her grandmother checking up on her every couple hours. Of course we kept the woman updated as much as we could, though we made sure not to tell Taylor at all. The last thing she needs to worry about is her worrying grandmother, we all know how she can feel guilty from that. 

Her bathroom is pretty organized, most of her stuff put together neatly in her medicine cabinet. It's actually pretty bland, since we didn't want to decorate too much before she had first arrived. We thought that she'd want to decorate as soon as she got here, but I guess not.

I run my hand under the water before shutting off the faucet, and Namjoon walks in with Taylor in his arms. I turn away and head out of the room, leaving the clothes I had picked out on the bed. Taking a seat I bury my face in my hands, letting out a heavy breath. I hate seeing her in so much pain, I couldn't fathom how she's handling this. It happened right here in our own home, just like the first time around. 

I just hope it didn't make her previous trauma worse than it already is.

Taylor's POV-

I grumble a bit as I slowly start to wake up, doing my best to pry my eyes open. The first thing I notice is the lack of immense pain in my leg, then the weight that's draped around my middle. Taehyung sleep soundly beside me, his arm wrapped around me tight. 

What surprises me more is the other male sitting in my desk chair, leaning back with tired eyes but who smiles once he notices I'm awake. "How are you feeling?" Jin whispers so as not to wake Taehyung, though with how heavy he is, he probably wouldn't even notice.

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