Chapter 23: Piggy Noises

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I didn't even realize how much time had passed, I was so engrossed into the music. My fingers flew over the piano keys, and I felt at peace for a little while. I didn't even notice the knock at my door, nor the man that walked in as I had my eyes closed as I played.

When I was done experimenting with the chorus, I open my eyes and let out a small sigh. "Sounds like you've already made some progress," I hear from behind me, causing me to jump. Yoongi stands there with a smirk on his face. "Glad to see you're using my gift."

I narrow my eyes at him, not happy that he had scared the absolute shit out of me. Thankfully Sketch had fallen asleep on his bed a while ago, and surprisingly didn't even wake up to Yoongi's entrance.

"You shouldn't sneak up on people like that," I say softly, closing the folder I had rested on the piano with my sheet music in it.

Yoongi shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets. "Well, I couldn't help but hear some piano in my head for the past couple hours," he says with a scoff. I turn a bright red, though I'm a little confused. I must have lost control of my ability when I was engrossed into my music.

"It's alright though. I just came in to tell you that dinner is ready," he says, heading back towards the door. "Jin made some teriyaki chicken."

I nod, grabbing my notebook from my nightstand. "I'm not exactly hungry at the moment, so don't wait up for me," I say as I flip through the pages. "I want to finish this part while the inspiration is still flowing."

"Alright, I'll go let them know," Yoongi says before heading out. I set my notebook on the piano as I start putting together some more lyrics. I'mtrying to go for a softer approach with my song. When I originally came up with the lyrics, I was inspired by my date with Namjoon. I thought of how beautiful the stars were that night and of how happy I felt just being there with him. I want my music to convey how I felt in that moment.

More time flies and I hear a knock on my door. I look over at my clock to see it's already about eight in the evening. Damn, is it already that late? "Come in!" I call, penning down the last part of the bridge.

Jimin walks in with two plates of food, setting them on my nightstand. "Yoongi said you weren't coming to dinner, so I saved some food for us to eat," He says softly, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Oh, you didn't have to, Jimin!" I respond, setting my notebook down. "I was just really absorbed into my music."

The mochi shrugs, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. "Well, I didn't want to eat without you. You haven't had anything today so I didn't feel comfortable having dinner without you having something too."

I turn a little red, honestly not really feeling like eating. "I'm okay Jimin. I don't even have a table in here to eat on yet. I was planning on getting one at some point, so I don't have to leave my room if I'm busy working."

Jimin shakes his head again, standing up. "One second," he says, running out of the door.

He comes back a minute later with a small folding table. I mentally sigh as he sets it up, pulling my desk chair over and gesturing for me to sit down. I realize he'll probably insist no matter what I say, so I take a seat with a small smile. Jimin pushes my chair in before taking a seat himself on the edge of the bed.

The food itself is warm, so I assume he heated it up before bringing it over. Jimin smiles at me as I take the chopsticks into my hands. I do still struggle with the chopsticks, but not as much as I did initially.

"So how is the songwriting coming along?" He asks as I pop a piece of chicken into my mouth. "You've been in here all day and Yoongi was complaining about hearing piano music. Saying he was having trouble staying awake."

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