A Date To Remember: Dreams

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Namjoon's POV-

So far so good, I tell myself as I lead Taylor in the direction of the restaurant. I can hardly believe that I'm already on a date with her, or rather that the younger members didn't already beat me to it.

We have only known each other for a few days, but I feel as if we've been together our whole lives. It's a weird feeling, I've decided. Maybe it's the soulmate bond pulling us towards each other, but whenever I'm around her I feel a thousand times lighter, as if I'm not on solid ground anymore.

I can't quite explain it. I can't help but dream of a future with her, like she's the only one in the world that completes me, despite having six other male soulmates. Having a high IQ doesn't help me with this, and I find myself lost.

I smile to myself as I carefully watch for passersby, I don't want to risk being noticed even with the mask on. It wouldn't hurt me too much, since the fans already know we will be having an eighth member, but I'm more concerned for her.

If someone were to find out who Taylor is now, it would throw everything we had planned out the window, not to mention subject her to idol life a lot earlier than we'd like. Right now we are just starting to ease her into the normal part of practicing and writing songs, the last thing she needs to worry about is screaming fans, or worse.


Those are my biggest fears for her right now. Don't get me wrong, we love ARMY and we know they love us just as much and support us, but that doesn't mean there aren't some that are a little over the top.

Being our soulmate makes her an even bigger target for jealous fans, as if being a female in an idol group of seven guys isn't enough. However, so far she seems to be taking everything well.

Taylor is a lot more level headed than I thought she'd be. I half-expected a bit of fangirling, but I haven't been seeing any of that since she's gotten here.

It's a bit refreshing to see that she's treating us as if we are simply normal people, but at the same time she knows that we aren't just that. There have been many times where I'd silently watch as she chose her words with care, refraining from saying anything that may cause worry in the other members.

She seems to keep to herself more often than not too, though I suppose that's when the younger members aren't bothering her or Yoongi being his clingy self.

There is one thing I don't understand though.

Logically when you bond with your soulmate, you will want to be with them more than anyone else. I remember feeling that pull when we first came together as Bangtan, even though we were split into seven instead of just one.

But Taylor hasn't been really physical with anyone, or rather, she isn't the one who instigates it. Is she holding herself back for some reason?

"Hello? Namjoon?" I hear a pleasant voice fill my head as I snap out of my daze. I hadn't realized I had stopped walking, and Taylor stands in front of me with a worried expression. My heart sinks a little, knowing I caused her to worry for god knows how long.

"Is everything alright?" She asks in a soft tone, tilting her head to the side and my heart nearly melts. She is so concerned and I just want to sweep her up into my arms and whisk her away, to assure her she should never have to worry about me like a prince in a fairy tale.

But this isn't a fairy tale, it's real life. Even so, I make a mental resolution to be as much of a prince to my princess that I can... er, our princess.

God I sound like Jin. I realize with a sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose with my hand. I keep forgetting that she isn't just mine... she's all of ours. I can't hoard her to myself, she has plenty of other 'princes' to be there for her.

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