Chapter 28: Nostalgic Chicken

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I never thought animals would be so exhausting.

"Yah, Taylor!" Taehyung called from the backyard as soon as he saw me emerge from inside of the house. 

The house itself is on the second story, so there is a wooden deck that acts like a balcony, with stairs going down to the backyard. Outside is a giant mansion-looking doghouse fit for all of the pets we have, including Jin's sugar glider Gukmul, who seems to like resting on my head for some reason.

"Hey, Taehyung-oppa!" I replied as I hopped down the stairs two at a time. Taehyung rushed over as I nearly tripped over myself, laughing my ass off at my own clumsiness.

"Don't hurt yourself now!" He said while he wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"Aye, don't worry!" I said, returning the hug and leaning up to kiss his cheek. The man blushed a bit and took my hand as I'm suddenly bombarded by the puppies of the household.

We spent the rest of the afternoon with our little fur babies, Yeontan very happy to see me along with Sketch. We were talking about eventually moving Sketch completely out there with the others once he gets a little more independent. I'll probably leave a dog bed in my room anyways in case he wants to be with me every once in a while. 

I didn't even realize how tired I had gotten until I nearly fell forward while trying to stay awake. "Tired?" Taehyung asks, to which I shake my head in protest. He narrows his eyes with a knowing smile, and I feel his arms beneath me as he pulls me up into the air.

Taehyung closes the door to the pet house, walking up the stairs with me in his arms. I honestly can't complain, I just close my eyes and lean my head into his shoulder. I don't fall asleep, but I can at least relax a little knowing my soulmate is right here with me.

Wait, what the fuck am I saying? This sappy shit needs to fucking stop. Bad Taylor. Bad.

Well, maybe I'll enjoy it just a little.

"TaeTae.!" I say quietly, not even thinking as words pour out of my mouth. "Let's take a nap with everyone!" I pout a bit, feeling my inner child take over. Maybe it's just delirium from being tired, but then again normally I turn into Yoongi when that's the case.

Taehyung looks down at me with a smile, kissing my forehead as we head inside. "I'm sure we could convince the others! Well, maybe not Jin since he is making dinner soon but still."

I nod and notice more of the guys actually already in the living room. "Hyungs, our princess hath requested a nap!" Taehyung exclaims in an extravagant fashion, causing me to blush a bit in embarrassment.

I stretch a bit in his arms, throwing one leg in the air and sticking my tongue out at the guys because you know what? I can! The members chuckle a bit at my little pose, Namjoon especially turning a bit red with a smile on his face.

"Okay.. and?" Yoongi says bluntly, the rest of the guys narrowing their eyes at him. "What?"

"So, can we all take a break and nap together?" Taehyung prompts from the older members, and Jimin and Jungkook jump up in excitement.

"Yah, lets go to Jungkook's room!" Jimin says, pulling us along. Namjoon follows with Hobi, leaving Yoongi alone in the living room. I'm suddenly tossed onto the bed as the guys file in, jumping on the soft mattress. Jungkook's bed had golden covers with white pillows, and I notice his is the only bed that's bigger than my own.

I grin brightly and pull the maknae to the bed, laughing as he face plants into it. His smile grows as he moves to lay beside me. The other members file in as well and I end up with Jimin on my other side and Taehyung laying with his head on my lap. 

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