Chapter 58: She Took The Midnight Train Going Anywhere...

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The boys were ecstatic when they saw Taehyung and I at the bottom of the lift. They all had decided to take it down the mountain since Namjoon and Jimin were both tired from their hike. The maknae line, or rather the males of the maknae line, all hugged each other happily as we headed back to the hostel.

The rest of the night was spent catching up with Taehyung, the girls came over to recount our day for the boys since it wasn't on camera.

We woke up bright and early this morning since it's our last day in Norway. I made sure all of my stuff was packed the night before, so I had no trouble this morning. All I had to do was get ready for the day and put what I used back in the bag. Yoongi nearly left his tablet behind though, so that makes four of us either losing something or being lost ourselves.

Now we are on a ferry to a small village called Flam, and let me just say I'm not very happy being on a boat.

I groan as Namjoon wraps his arms around me, trying to soothe my nerves. I already feel seasick just looking at the water, the vast expanse of it just making my stomach do flips. "Are you okay? You don't look too good," Jungkook asks worriedly from his seat across from us.

Bitch does it look like I'm okay?

My dirty look causes the maknae to wince and settle back in his seat. "I can't wait to be on solid ground.." I grumble, burying my face in Namjoon's sweater. The taller male rolls his eyes, running his hand through my hair in an attempt to comfort me.

"Just don't throw up on Namjoon, last thing we need is to do more laundry," Yoongi says, resting his head against the window.

"Shouldn't we eat?" Hoseok mentions, as we had all skipped breakfast since we had to leave so early. Yoongi pulls out the money we collectively have left, and the boys try to decide how to split it up so we can afford everything else in Norway.

"If we get sandwiches we can split three between six of us and the other two can have full meals," Yoongi declares, but one look at my paling face causes him to purse his lips.

I shake my head, holding onto my stomach. "It wouldn't be a good idea for me to eat anything right now, it would just come back up."

"Are you sure?" Jin asks, taking his seat beside me. "You didn't eat much last night either."

Right, last night I was still partially full from the lunch I had with the girls, so I ended up giving the rest of my dinner to Taehyung. "I'm sure," I respond, closing my eyes. "I'm just really not feeling well."

The boys look at each other before Yoongi hands Hoseok and Jimin the money to pay for breakfast. I shift over so Namjoon can get up, heading off towards the restroom.

I feel another pair of arms around me, and look up to see a smiling Taehyung beside me where Jin used to be. I assume he went with Hoseok, and I return the boy's smile as he pulls me into his lap.

"You know, if it makes you feel any better, we'll be taking a train after stopping in the village." he says as I rest my head against his chest.

"That does actually make me feel better, I'll be on solid ground. And I've always wanted to travel by train," I respond, stifling a yawn. "Though that may be due to the influence of Harry Potter in my life."

"You like those kinds of movies too?" Jungkook asks with a bunny smile.

"Yeah, I practically grew up with it, along with Lord of the Rings and Star Trek. My grandmother has always been a big fan of that kind of stuff."

Taehyung scoots so we are against the side of the ferry, facing away from the window. Honestly, thank god because otherwise I would be ready to hurl just from the sight. "You should try to sleep," Yoongi suggests, reaching over to place his headphones over my ears.

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