Chapter 81: Doorway To My Heart

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I mentally groan as the song 'I Am The Best' by 2NE1 starts blaring from my cell phone, sunlight filtering into the room through Jimin's curtains. Not that it's too early in the day, since I set my damn alarm for three in the afternoon.

I roll over to turn off the alarm, letting out a yawn as I look around the room. I had spent all last night cleaning up what was left of the party so that the boys didn't have to do anything.

They were all exhausted after yesterday's activities, so since I couldn't sleep I just took initiative and managed to get it done before dawn. Jimin was still fast asleep by the time I went to bed, and most of the boys had to get up early to head to their studios or meet with staff.

"Well good morning Sleeping Beauty."

Namjoon smiles from beside me, situated in Jimin's desk chair which he had pulled up to the bed. His hair is a little disheveled and sticks to his face, so I assume he just came back from a workout. He's wearing simple clothing, a pair of grey sweatpants and a white tank top that shows off his arms.

Not going to lie, I wouldn't mind seeing this more often. Damn he looks good, I think to myself before shaking my head, trying to clear my head before any dirty thoughts arise.

"Good morning..." I reply with another yawn, covering my mouth with my hand. Namjoon reaches over to smooth my hair a bit, causing me to pout as it's probably a disaster as usual.

"You look tired," Namjoon comments with a dimpled smile, earning a dirty look from myself. I just fucking woke up, of course I'm going to look tired.

Our leader lets out a sigh from seeing my expression, scooting back to stand up from his chair. "Anyways, everyone else is off for the rest of the day, though Yoongi and I will probably be in our rooms working on some new songs. You're welcome to join us if you want."

"I think I will, thank you Joonie," I respond with a tired smile, stifling yet another yawn. Damn, why am I so tired today? I think to myself, as Namjoon nods, placing a kiss on the side of my head.

He leaves the room, allowing me to have my privacy to change into something more presentable. As much as I'd love to stay in my pajamas for today, I don't want to look as if I'm lazy.

After a quick shower I decide to change into a deep green hoodie and black jeans, I don't really plan on going out at all. Sticking my hands in my pockets, I make my way out to the living room where Jimin and Taehyung are cuddling on the couch.

Both boys give me bright smiles as I walk in, Hoseok sitting at the island doing his best to avoid my gaze. I let out a small sigh as I head into the kitchen, pulling out some granola and yogurt since I'm not too hungry at the moment.

"Oh, hey Taylor," Jungkook says from behind me, nearly scaring the shit out of me. "Some packages came in for you, I think it's the stuff for your room."

Ah crap, I totally forgot about that stuff. The maknae gives me a sad smile before leaning down and patting my head. "Don't worry, I put them in the studio."

"You didn't have to, but thank you," I respond as I mix my granola and yogurt together. The second I'm done the maknae reaches over and takes a spoonful, stuffing it into his face and running off.

"What the- you little-!" I can't even finish a sentence as I race after Jungkook, leaving my breakfast behind on the counter.

I end up chasing the maknae around the house for a solid five minutes, before I'm suddenly grabbed from behind by a certain broad shouldered male.

"You're awake!" Jin says excitedly, picking me up and spinning me around. I squeal in surprise, unable to contain a laugh that bubbles up from my lips.

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