Chapter 93: In Our Nature

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Sketch barks happily, hopping around as Jungkook hurries over to get me down from the tree. My whole body is screaming from the cold, pain continuously shooting through my thigh.

Manager Jiho is already there with my trench coat and wraps, allowing me to put it all on before Jungkook pulls me into his arms. She's more of a motherly figure to me now than she was before and I'm perfectly okay with that, I feel like she'd make an awesome mom someday.

Wait, I don't even know if she has kids or not. I should ask her about that over some tea and cookies, I heard she really likes blueberry-

"Tajang are you okay?" Jungkook asks as he walks towards the car. His words break my train of thought, and I quickly nod in response.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just cold," I say bluntly, earning a pout from the maknae.

"Your lips are turning blue." By now Taehyung has gotten out of the car, so Jungkook opens the passenger side door and sets me inside the warm vehicle. I let out a sigh of relief as I feel the warm air start to bath my chilled skin, leaning my head back against the seat.

Jungkook closes the door before coming around, I assume they're doing some solo shots now since Jimin is skipping over to the tree. The maknae hops into the drivers side, shutting the door behind him.

"I uh... I wanted to apologize for earlier. I should have said something to Hoseok, I was just so shocked at what he said. I think the rest of us were too," Jungkook says, running a hand through his hair.

"I know, Usagi." I close my eyes and lean my head back against the headrest. "I'm just upset, because I feel like if that's how Hoseok and Taehyung really feel about me, then what about the rest of you? I'm just questioning if I've been too naïve to think that you actually thought I could be of any use."

Jungkook reaches over to take my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I understand how you feel, and I can't speak for the others but I don't think that is even remotely true," he says.

"I can't even count how many times I've heard my hyungs talking about how talented you are, you deserve so much more credit than you've recieved so far. Yoongi still won't shut up about that drawing you made of him a while ago, when we moved he made sure to pack it with his things."

"Really? I thought he hated the drawing," I respond in confusion.

"No way! Sure he was a little flustered when he first saw it, but it's something you've made. I remember Jin hyung was complaining how you made Yoongi but not him, he was so jealous."

A slight smile creeps up on my face at the thought, and I can't help but make a mental note to do something special for him. However, my smile falls again as I'm reminded of what I overheard from Jin and Taehyung.

"Do you guys trust me at all?" I ask, earning a look of surprise from the maknae. "I know you guys are protective and all but sometimes I feel like you think I can't handle myself."

"Taylor, I'm the last person you should be asking this question," Jungkook says with a small laugh. "I've SEEN you in action! I think you're more than capable, but I also know that anything could happen. You know how Taehyung is, love. He's scared if something like this happens again, we won't be able to stop them. I think everyone is afraid of that."

I suppose the maknae is right, I don't blame them for worrying so much. I just wish there was more I could do to prove myself to them. I don't want them to worry anymore. I don't want them to be afraid.

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