Chapter 27: Sentiment

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I'm not going to lie, I already started to feel a bit better after breakfast. Jin insisted on cleaning up, since I normally did the cleaning when he made food, so I was quickly ushered to Jimin's room to play some games with the maknae line.

Since you can't play Paladins on the same console, we all brought our laptops while Jungkook played on the Xbox. They were surprised to find I play healer the most, and also realized that parties can have up to five people. So then we tried to annoy one of the other members enough to get them to play.

It was Yoongi that caved in first, though to be honest he was the first one I went after. The others had no luck with the older members but cheered as I dragged in a tired little meow meow into the room. He had his laptop with him and had the game installed within seconds, so now we are in the middle of yet another match of a frustrated Yoongi screaming at the game.

Well, he isn't the only one. "TAYLOR I NEED HEALING!!!" Jungkook screams for the 5th time in the past minute. 


The other members have since joined us, but instead of playing they insist on watching us struggle. I was playing an angel character, she's pretty cool and has really good damage for a healer. Jungkook had taken a damage champion because guns, Taehyung had taken a sniper, Yoongi had chosen a giant ass turtle, and Jimin had decided on playing a flank champion.

"NO ONE ESCAPES THE LAW!" Jimin cries with his character as he uses his ultimate, but completely misses his target so I end up having to save his ass from said target. I then get killed by an enemy sniper, and we end up losing the match. 

"Taylor, why didn't you heal us!" Jungkook complains, but then I show him that I did almost a hundred thousand healing that match. 

"Don't say I didn't heal shit." I scold, crossing my arms.

"But we still lost!" Jungkook cries, setting his controller down. 

"Maybe because you kept rushing in there, guns blazing ahead of the rest of us so we couldn't help you," Taehyung says, while Yoongi sits there quietly raging. He had the most difficulty during that since he was still trying to figure out the controls. 

I look over at him and sigh a little, looking over at the older members. "Anyone wanna take over for me? I need a break," I ask, and Hoseok takes my laptop with excitement. Yoongi passes his to Jin for the same reason, and we both lean against the headboard to watch the matches.

I yawn a little bit, as we had been playing for a couple hours now and I'm a little tired. Yoongi looks over at me, and gently wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I flush a little, since I haven't had much physical contact with the guys due to my heavy intense practicing.

"When do we get to hear your solo, Taylor?" Namjoon asks, taking a seat beside us.

"Ah well, I was hoping to keep it a surprise for as long as possible," I reply with a light smile, but Taehyung overhears and pouts a little in protest. 

"Awww c'mon! You've been working on it for so long, I'm dying to know!" He says, putting his computer down and resting his head in my lap. I gently run my fingers through his hair with a small laugh.

"Taehyung, it's a surprise because I wrote it about one of you guys," I say in a quiet tone, which causes all of the members to stop what they are doing, looking at me with intrigued expressions.

"Who did you write it about?" Jimin asks, closing his laptop.

"Ah well... you'll know when you hear it!" Though I get the feeling the surprise is going to be short lived. As soon as the words came out of my mouth I was bombarded with questions and them begging to play it now for them.

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