Chapter 65: Double Date?

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"Hey princess, time to wake up!"

I groan in protest as I open my eyes once again. Throughout the night I was tossing and turning, so much so I think I might have accidentally kept Hoseok awake.

I was waking up every hour, unable to stay asleep for too long. Jin is sitting on the edge of the bed, smiling down at me while looking way to awake for it being early as hell in the morning.

Wait, what time is it?

I notice Hoseok's absence from beside me, so he must already be awake. I look over at his clock and see that it's only around nine. "Is everyone else up?" I ask, rubbing my eyes a bit.

Jin reaches over to smooth down my hair a bit. "Yeah, except for a couple of the kids. Kai and Jungkook were both upset to see that you were gone when they woke up though."

I let out a sigh, and the eldest member raises a brow in confusion. "You look exhausted," he says softly, reaching over to cup my cheek. "Did you stay up late last night?"

"Yeah, Hobi and I were the only ones who stayed up for the whole marathon," I reply proudly, giving the eldest a bright smile. I swing my legs over the side of the bed, gently tapping Jin's nose as I stand up.

"You two didn't do anything, did you?" Jin asks in a serious tone, confusing me a bit.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask as Jin takes my hand, pulling me over to stand in front of him.

"As in, what you did with Namjoon on the trip."

My eyes go wide as I furiously shake my head. Oh dear god, please don't give me the talk, I think to myself as I shift to sit on his lap. "Absolutely not! I'm in no way promiscuous!"

Jin bursts into laughter at my response, wrapping his arms around me in a huge hug. "I just wanted to ask, there is no shame if you had."

"Well you phrased it like you would have murdered Hoseok if we did," I say as I rest my head against his shoulder.

"Well I still want to murder Namjoon, but that's beside the point. I have no say in what you do with any of us in that matter, I just hope that you only do so if you truly want to."

"Anyways, I've made your breakfast so hurry and change before it gets cold. I've already had to fend the younger members away from it before coming in here."

"Alright, I'll be out in five," I respond before standing up once more. Before I go to change, I lean down to give Jin one last kiss. The eldest member smiles as he returns it, and I hurry over to my room to change into something more presentable.

Now that I think about it, I should have probably asked Jimin where we are going today. Then I could plan accordingly. I decided on just a pair of black leggings and a green tank top for now, since it'll be quick to change out of for later.

I can't help but notice how nice my legs look as I gaze at myself in the full length mirror. Damn, I look good, I think to myself with a smile, the skin tight leggings hug my slight curves perfectly. Then again, when don't I look good? I'm motherfucking beautiful.

Dear god, I'm turning into Jin.

Hoseok's POV-

"That bad huh?"

Yoongi gives me a sympathetic smile as I sigh, leaning my head on my hand. "She was up every hour, I don't know how you could sleep through that," I respond, taking another sip of my coffee.

Every time Taylor woke up last night I tried to use my ability to soothe her back to sleep, but as a result that also caused me to stay awake longer. Basically, I'm an exhausted mess now.

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