Chapter 7: Suga Winfrey

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Taehyung sets me down on the couch before claiming the seat to my left. Their living room is fairly large and modern but also simple, with a back door overlooking a balcony of some kind.

The bright yellow couch is decorated with blue pillows and a glass coffee table is placed in front. To the left is a matching armchair, and across from the couch is a large flat screen television on a clear TV stand.

I can see a YBox and a PauseStation4 on one of the shelves in the stand, as well as a DVD player. Finally, the room's floor is adorned with a large, circular white rug that feels like you're petting a fluffy dog.

"You know she does have a good set of legs that work, right Tae?" Namjoon asks, who's seated on my right.

Yoongi had taken the armchair and Jimin had taken the opportunity to sit in his lap, much to the hyung's dismay. Seems like the man had escaped Jin's wrath and lived to see another day.

The remaining members had taken a seat on the floor after stealing the couch pillows, so everyone was gathered around the coffee table.

Taehyung grins at Namjoon's comment and just shrugs. "I wanted to carry her like you did!" he says, causing Namjoon to turn a bright tomato red.

"I-I did no such thing!" Our leader stutters, struggling to hide his embarrassment.

Of course I'm just sitting here like a confused potato, before I remember what I was going to ask Namjoon yesterday. "Namjoon, I have a question?" I askin a soft tone, and he turns his attention to me.

"Yes?" Our leader says after a cough, trying his best to sound calm and composed.

"Since I don't really understand much Korean and my first language is English... I was wondering if someone would be able to help teach me?" I asked, thinking about my word choice carefully.

I didn't want them to think I can't learn on my own, but I also don't want to risk saying the wrong things or being overconfident. "I don't want you to feel like you all have to speak English now that I'm here."

Namjoon facepalms, and I look at him in confusion as a small laugh escapes his lips. Those fucking dimples appear again as he shakes his head.

"I totally forgot about that. Well I was thinking we could all take turns helping you with Korean, though most of it will probably be done by myself. That way the other members are also able to practice their English." he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sounds good," I reply with a small nod, finding myself a little distracted by his cute dimples.

"Should we play Twenty-Questions now?" Hoseok asks from across the coffee table, pulling me out of my daze.

Crap, I forgot that they planned to interrogate me this morning. The maknae line all grin and clap excitedly, so I merely shrug in response.

"Shall we go around, and then Taylor can ask a question for us at the end?" Jin suggested, and everyone nodded. They decided Taehyung would start, and it would go to the left until it got to me.

"What is your favorite place to eat?" He asks after thinking for a moment. Okay, safe question.

"Thai Kitchen, definitely," I say with a grin, imagining the deliciousness of their menu already.

"Is that a place in your hometown?" Taehyung asks in confusion.

"That's two questions Tae," Jimin points out with a grin but lets out a small squeak as Yoongi jabs him in the side.

"Ah well," I begin, turning a little red. I forgot that they probably don't have that here. "Yeah, my grandparents and I went all the time. I always got the same thing, which was their honey orange chicken. Not that I didn't want to try their other food, but honey orange chicken is my favorite and that was the only place that had it."

A Rose Between ThornsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora