Chapter 60: Fuck the Ocean

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The light filtering in from the hotel room window wakes me up as it shines directly in my face. I grumble in protest, burying myself further under the covers. Or I would, but a certain person's arm is keeping me from doing so.

"Well, good morning princess," Namjoon says with a dimpled smile. He looks exhausted, and after what happened last night he could probably use a few more hours of sleep.


My eyes widen as I remember what happened last night, my face turning beet red in embarrassment. I'm no longer a virgin, I think to myself, slowly covering my mouth with my hands.

Namjoon stifles a laugh before kissing the top of my head, sitting up in the bed. "You're so cute," he says in a soft tone, and then another realization hits. I don't feel any clothes on my body.

Because there aren't any, besides my pink lace panties. Why did I choose to wear lace... I burrow further underneath the sheet from mortification as Namjoon gets up to get ready for the day.

I hiss as I feel a sharp pain in between my legs, and the more I shift around the more painful it gets. Our leader looks back at me in concern as I hold my stomach.

"Is everything okay?" Namjoon asks, walking back over to sit beside me.

"Yeah, it just hurts a bit." I simply reply, hoping that it will go away at some point. The tall male nods before handing me a set of my clothes from my bag. "Thank you."

"No problem, don't want to risk one of the guys bursting in here anyways. If it hurts that much though, then Taehyung might be able to feel it too. I get the feeling our little 'secret' is already exposed because of that."

Oh dear god, I think to myself, remembering how painful my first time was. Taehyung must have felt it, there's no way he didn't. "Let's hope they don't pry then," I say as I pull my bra over my arms.

Namjoon is kind enough to clasp it for me before he heads off again. I waste no time changing, deciding to stay on the bed while I do just in case one of the boys do burst in.

As soon as I stand up the sharp pains appear again, shooting through my legs that buckle underneath my weight. I squeal before hitting the floor, wondering what the hell is going on. Am I just that weak?

It hurts so much to move that I end up struggling just to get back up on the bed. Namjoon comes back in as I'm in the middle of doing so, and he curses under his breath before rushing to help me up.

"Namjoon, what the hell is going on?" I ask, hoping that he has an answer for this.

He doesn't. "I have no idea, I wasn't too rough with you was I?" He asks in concern as he sets me down on the bed.

I shake my head, knowing that couldn't be the case. "Should I ask Gisselle?"

Namjoon rubs the back of his neck before nodding. "She might know more than anyone. The only other person I could think you could ask would be the manager, or maybe Choi." He leans down to gently kiss my cheek, ruffling my hair up a bit. "I can go and get her, I think the others are already up so I'll keep them busy."

"Okay, don't do anything stupid, or anything I would do." I say with a smile.

Our leader rolls his eyes, sticking his hands in his pockets. "Isn't that the same thing?"

"I- you know what, you have a point." Both of us laugh at that, and he heads out to find my best friend. I take the time to look through the comments on our twitter page while I wait for the woman. I can't read Korean as well as I can speak it, so I still have to translate the page.

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