Chap 7- A note gone wrong

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Nandini heard her phone ringing and woke up instantly.

"Who could it be at this hour of the night?" she thought worried for her Ams.

She picked up her phone only to find an unknown number flashing on the screen. Assuming it to be a spam number, she declined the call and went back to sleep. But the phone rang again.

This time she received the call.

"Hello," she spoke in a whispered voice.

"Nandini," a scared male voice spoke from the other end of the line.

"Who is this?" Nandini asked feeling a bit frightened at the thought of a stranger knowing her name.

"Nandini, its me Shahid. Do you remember?"

"Shahid?" Nandini thought hard. She finally remembered him. Shahid's mother had been a student of Ams and they had stayed in Mangalore when Nandini and Shahid were in high school. But Nandini had no idea where they had gone afterwards.

"Hello Shahid," she said still wondering why he had called so late at night," how are you?"

"Nandini," he said," I am so sorry for having called you up so late at night. But I really....really need your help."

"Whats the matter Shahid?" she asked,"Is everything okay?"

"Well," he said," I dont know how to tell you but........ a batchmate of mine is trying to bully me. He has recorded a video of me swimming in the pool and he has filmed it in a way that its looking as if I am drunk. You know I dont drink Nandini. Maa never allows it. And he is threatening me saying that he will upload this video on the internet! What am I supposed to do? I really need your help!"

"Dont worry Shahid," said Nandini feeling sorry for him," I wont let him harm you in any way. I promise. Now, tell me when is he planning to upload it?"

"He will be out partying all night," Shahid told her," I believe he will upload it in the early morning hours."

"I see," said Nandini," Shahid, may I know his name, phone number, facebook and instagram profile details please."

"Sure, " said Shahid," I will send them to you."

Nandini put her phone aside and got out of bed. She went into the washroom and washed her face. She could never deny helping people, she just couldnt. She took a deep breath and thought," I only have a few hours. What do I do?"

Manik's sleep was disturbed by a rattling noise at the window. He opened his eyes and looked around. But he saw no one.

"It must be the wind," he thought and was about to go back to sleep again when he saw a huge raven sitting at his window and fluttering her wings.

"Now what is this creature doing here?" he said rubbing his eyes," anyways, since my sleep is already disturbed now, lets see whats going on in the online world?"

He took out his phone and began to scroll through his social media feed.

He came across a picture of him and Alya that she had posted. The title read,"Celebrating 7 years to togetherness."

Manik sighed and put the phone away. He buried his face in his pillow.

"Seven years," he thought," why cant Alya understand?"

After receiving Cabir's details from Shahid, Nandini got to work. She began scrolling through everything that Cabir had posted on facebook, instagram and twitter. After searching for about an hour, she came across a post which had a picture of Cabir, his mother, his father and his brother Ranbir. They were at a Christmas party wearing Santa hats and looked all bright and cheerful. Nandini thought hard. Her appa had never taught her to hurt anyone. She didnt like playing with anyone's emotions. But then, she thought of the promise she had made to Shahid.

Taking a deep breath, she finally commented on Cabir's post," Looks like a fake picture. This family seems all broken up!'

Nandini hoped that her comment would make Cabir angry and this might make him delay posting Shahid's video. She thought that this might give them some time to think of something. But little did she know what she had triggered.

Cabir returned home at about four in the morning. He was quite tired and worn out. But still, sleep seemed like an enemy to him. He finally decided to post Shahid's video. As soon as he turned on his mobile network, a notification popped up," Nandini Murthy commented on your post."

Cabir wasnt used to receiving much comments on his posts. None of the students of the college ever dared to check his posts. If anyone ever commented, it was only friends and family members.

"Now who the hell is this Nandini Murthy!" he thought clicking on the comment.

Cabir read the comment carefully, his eyes blazing with anger. He was holding a water bottle in his other hand which he threw away in anger. The water splashed onto the floor making it all wet. Cabir's parents had never had a happy marriage. They quarelled and fought and things were always miserable. Nandini's comment had made Cabir remember all of that. In rage, he deleted that comment and blocked her.

Cabir then broke down crying. All those bitter past memories were swirling in his head. He began to feel anxious and dizzy. Not knowing how to handle his emotions, he dialled Manik's number.

"Cabir," said Manik receiving the call,"Hi there! Whats up."

"Manik," said Cabir wiping his tears.

"Whats wrong Cabir," said Manik recognising his sobbing voice.

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