Chap 26- Dhruv is targetted

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The fab 5 were practising in the music room. Musicana was coming up very soon and having won it for two consecutive years they were determined to win it this year too.

"That was fun," said Dhruv putting his guitar aside," music is so amazing."

"Raghav sir cannot believe how we perform so well each year," said Cabir,"he so wants to get rid of us but its only us who gets him the trophy each year."

"Now," said Aliya," I am going to the gym to keep an eye on bhai. He often meets his spies there."

"I will come with you," said Dhruv,"if you dont mind."

"Ya sure," Aliya said sounding happy about it.

"I need to take mom to the doctor," said Cabir," She has a terrible backache."

"I am coming too," said Mukti," I will drive you both."

"What about you Manik?" Dhruv asked him.

"I am going to the Scholars college. I will speak with Mr. Alok about our performance tomorrow and keep an eye on that Nandini and junior mehra."


"So its a yes!" Randheer could not believe that Nandini had just accepted his proposal.

"I knew you would understand my love for you," he said," I knew.................."

"Randheer," she said," but let me make something very clear to you. I will not stand you raising your hand or voice on me ever again!"

"I know," he said," I do understand."

Manik's car stopped right outside the college gates. The college guard immediately opened the gates for him and he drove his car inside. The students watched in awe as Manik Malhotra drove in his sparkling new car.

"Finally," he said stepping out of his car,"I am here. Lets see what that girl is upto."


Nandini was making sure that all the instruments were properly cleaned and tuned. It was fab 5's performance the next day and she didnt want anything to go wrong.

"Is my life really destined to be this way?" she was thinking," I have always wanted to make good friends, to study well, fall in love and............Now with someone like Randheer..............."

"Hi Nandini," said Randheer walking in," You seem to be working very hard."

"Randheer," said Nandini,"I wanted to ask you something."

"Go on," he said sitting down on the chair.

"I saw on instagram that someone called Harshad often writes "fab 5 revenge in action" beneath your posts. Who is he and what does he want?"

"So you have been stalking me?" he said.

"I just followed you on instagram and found this thing very strange," she said.

"Well, well, well," he said," I cant reveal much but let me tell you that very soon a guy named Shahid will get justice."

"You really love saving people," she said,"first you saved me from all the humiliation and now.........."

"Yes," said Randheer," do you know what fab 5 did to him? They recorded a video of him when he was na**ed and are now planning to upload it on social media!"

"Monsters!" said Nandini.

"But I will make sure that our new anti ragging campaign sees to it. Today Shahid will target Dhruv, the weak one. He gets violent with strangers when he has his attacks. And then we will record all that as a proof that they physically assaulted him."

"Thats not right Randheer," she said feeling sorry for Dhruv.

Randheer's expression changed from pride to anger in an instant.

"But arent you on my side Nandini?" he asked her.

"Not in this case," she replied," its not ethical to harass someone. If Dhruv has a medical condition, then its not right to target him in any way."

Saying so, Nandini left from there.

She began walking down the stairs when she heard Randheer's voice.

"If you dont want me to raise my voice or hand on you, then learn to talk less,"he said.

Nandini wanted to slap him hard but she controlled her anger and continued walking.

"How dare you ignore me!" said Randheer and pushed her down the stairs. Luckily, Nandini managed to grab some support and didnt get much hurt. But her elbow was badly bruised.

"Why dont you just listen to me Nandini," said Randheer and walked past her.

Nandini got up and dusted her clothes.

"Randheer will always be the same," she thought," but I dont have time for this now. I need to speak to Shahid about this."

She quickly dialled Shahid's number.

"Hello Nandini," he said from the other end of the line," whats up."

"Shahid please," she said," please dont hurt Dhruv. I know what happened with you is wrong and unethical but.........But it isnt right to take advantage of someone who has a medical condition."

"But how did you know about our plan?" he asked her.

"Thats not important," she said," what matters is that an innocent person shouldnt be targetted. Dhruv didnt record that video of yours, so please dont hurt him."

"I am sorry Nandini," said Shahid," but I will not spare any member of fab 5."

Saying so, he disconnected the call.

"If I go and tell fab 5 about this, they will not spare Shahid," Nandini said to herself," but Dhruv.............."

"So........." Nandini heard a clear familiar voice come from behind her,"Have you been following our orders?"

She turned around to see Manik standing there.

"Yes," said Nandini," I am glad you are here. Shahid and Randheer are going to target Dhruv, trigger his attacks and prove that he physically assaulted Shahid."

"Those rascals!" yelled Manik," I will dig their graves right here."

"Use your mind, not strength," Nandini told him," you have got to be careful about this. Anti ragging laws are no joke."

"I dont care," he said," no one messes with my friends or else.........."

"What else did junior mehra say?" he asked her," Any hint about Harshad?"

"Not much," she said," but yes, they are in it together."

"I knew it!" he said in anger," that jerk has always gotten away with these cheap tricks because he is Alya's brother. But not this time."

Nandini turned around to leave when Manik said," There is an important task for you. I want you to let them do whatever they are planning. Just let us know every minute detail of it. And the day they are planning to target Dhruv, keep junior mehra away, do you get it?"

"But how will I keep Randheer away?" she asked him," I am dating him. I cant order him around."

"Oh come on now," he said sounding frustrated," Dont you have enough brains to keep a man engaged with your charm?"

That line was enough to create the greatest amount of anger and disgust in Nandini's mind. She hated the thought of trying to seduce anyone, let alone Randheer. Before she could even process her emotions, her fingers turned into a fist and she punched Manik really hard.

"One more word and I will break your bones," she warned him," dont cross your limits Mr. Malhotra!"

Shocked by what just happened, Manik touched the bottom of his lip and realised that blood was oozing out. No one had ever dared to hit him like that.

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