Chap 42- Monster's apology

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Nandini walked further inside with a troubled mind. She could see the rehearsals. The play was a dark comedy, some kind of gothic style. She found it weird but unique. As she stepped further inside, someone tapped on her shoulder.

"Mayank," she said relieved to see him.

"Where have you been?" he asked her,"you havent come to the shop at all!"

"I have been quite busy lately," she said apologetically.

"I hope the fab5 havent troubled you again?" he said sounding concerned.

"Not really," she said," whats been up with you?"

"I am directing this play," he said proudly," spooky themed, gothic style................The audience will love it."

Nandini smiled in agreement.

"Really? This weird bullshit is what you are bragging of?" Manik's voice made them both turn around.

"Weird costumes," he said looking at the actors.

"These kind of plays are not everyone's cup of tea," Mayank said," right Nandini?"

Nandini nodded.

"Nandini," said Mayank holding out his hand for her," why dont you come with me and I will show you around."

"She is not coming with you," said Manik angrily," I mean....who is interested in this weird......"

"Stop it Manik," Nandini said taking Manik to a corner where Mayank couldnt hear them," you didnt want to attract unnecessary attention and now......Maybe Mayank's friends might have some idea about Randheer and his connection with fab 5."

"Go ahead then," he said," good luck interacting with these jerks. I am going to have a word with the manager about last year's musicana guest list. Text me when you are done. We need to see last year's CCTV footage too, especially that of the backstage. It might give us some clue." Saying so, he left from there. Nandini too went with Mayank to meet the actors.

Most of them were dressed in black and purple. Their make-up was pretty dark and impressive. Nandini met Ahana and her boyfriend too.

"So you are the girl Mayank saved from water balloons?" said Ahana.

"O come on Ahana," said Mayank,"I just helped her a little bit and....."

"I am very grateful for that," Nandini said.

"Anyone would save a stunning lady like you!" Ahana's boyfriend Vishesh said.

While everyone smiled at his compliment, his gaze made Nandini feel extremely uncomfortable. Looking away from him, she began talking to Ahana. Just then, the band started to play some strange gothic music.

"Ahana," Vishesh said," why dont you ask your friends to join us on the dance floor?"

"Wonderful idea,"Ahana said," Mayank, Nandini, floor?"

While Mayank was quite pleased with the invitation, Nandini didnt like the idea at all. But she didnt want to miss the chance to gather more information about Randheer.

"I have heard that last year's musicana was quite a grand affair," Nandini said to Ahana and Vishesh once they were on the dance floor," I am sorry about Zeeshan though."

"It surely was," Vishesh said," the Mehras made it as lavish as possible. They always try to stay in the good books of Mrs. Malhotra. Some business affairs I believe."

"Was Mr. Randheer Mehra here as well?" she asked them," or was he out of country at that time?"

"He was very much here," Ahana said,"and........And he was also the managing director and sponsor of "the beer biceps". He was very much disappointed and hurt by fab5's win. And you know Nandini, what the worst part was? He blamed Zee for everything. Zee never told anyone a thing. Well, how could he?"

Vishesh wiped Ahana's tears and said,"Come on baby, you look so exhausted. Why dont you take a break and go home!"

"I agree," said Mayank," the rehearsals are pretty much over."

"Are you driving me home Vishesh?"Ahana asked him.

"Sorry babe, I am going to stay back and practise my lines. They are still not coming out that well."

"No worries," Mayank said," I will drop you home Ahana."

Saying their goodbyes, Mayank and Ahana soon left.

"I guess I better be going too," Nandini said to Vishesh," thank you for such a friendly welcome."

As she was about to leave, Vishesh grabbed her arm and pulled her towards himself.

"Whats the hurry darling," he said running his fingers through her hair,"the dance isnt over yet."

"Leave me!" she said trying to get out of his grip.

"Not so soon," Vishesh said tightening his grip on her.

Nandini punched him in the stomach and upon freeing herself, she slapped him really hard.

"Dont you dare touch me again," she warned him.

"You b*tch!" he yelled as he raised his hand to hit her.

But to his astonishment, his hand was stopped by someone who was now twisting his arm too!

"Ah!" Vishesh cried in pain.

"Thats hurts, doesnt it?" Manik said twisting his arm further.

"Manik stop it," Nandini said," his arm will break."

"You think I care?" Manik said," this bastard deserves it."

"Manik please," she said as everyone was now looking at them," lets go from here."

"I am not done with him yet," he said and pushed Vishesh towards the drums. As Vishesh fell to the ground, Manik kicked a drumstand and it landed straight on Vishesh's hand causing him to scream in pain.

"Keep your hands off her!" Manik warned him," I wont be this gentle next time."

As everyone's eyes were on them, Manik walked upto Nandini and put him arm around her saying," Come on now, we are leaving."

Once they were out of the studio, Manik angrily said," What were you doing on the dance floor with him? Do you even know him?"

"No," she said," and thats why I was there. I wanted to know more about Randheer and I did."

Manik saw that she was still rubbing her arm due to pain.

"I dont want you breaking your arms and legs just to find out the truth," he said sounding concerned.

"I think we should leave now," she said looking at the time on her phone. She was just about to leave when he said," Where do you think you are going? I mean......I will drop you home."

"Thank you," she said and walked towards his car with him. When they reached the spot where his car was parked, Manik said," Nandini......."

"Hmm," she said looking up at him.

"I....I shouldnt have asked you to come here alone. I mean, I should have known that uncovering the past can be risky. I wouldnt  have ever let Mukti and Aliya come here alone. I am sorry about that."

"Its not your fault," she said," and you never know when someone is going to land in trouble."

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