Chap 38- Coming closer

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"What was he so angry about?" Nandini thought.

"Worried about something?" Dhruv said walking upto her.

"It was Manik who called you. He wanted to know where you are. I lied that we both are at the beach. He.....he seemed pretty upset about it."

"Upset?" said Dhruv," I dont think so. Anyways, since all the arrangements are done, lets have lunch and leave."

"Just a thought," she said," how will Aliya know that she is supposed to put on her best outfit. She wont be pleased to walk into this surprise in her pjamas."

"Girls, I must say," he laughed.

"You are right Nandini. But what shall I say to her?"

"Gift her something then," she suggested.

"Perfect!" said Dhruv.

Meanwhile, Manik was having a hard time concentrating on anything. Just then, there was a call from Cabir.

"Manik," said Cabir from the other end of the line," you have got to save me. That black and white Madhubala......I mean Navya.......the one who accompanied Nandini to the party............"

"What about her?" Manik asked.

"She is moving into my house! Can you believe this? Mom has kept her as a paying guest."

"But why Cabir? She was staying in the hostel as far as I remember."

"Ya right!" said Cabir angrily," and then one fine morning, a group of girls bully her and she runs out crying and.......And my beloved mother happened to be there as she is friends with the warden. And decides to bring her home!"

"But why?" said Manik," Aunty could have taken strict action against those girls."

"Thats exactly what I said! But mom has grown so fond of her and........."

Just then Navya entered the dining hall where Cabir was sitting. She had just had a bath and her hair was wet. She was drying them  with a towel.

"Cabir," she said," I am going to make lemon tea for aunty and me. Will you have some as well?"

"O my God," said Manik to Cabir over the phone," tea with iconic!"

"You......" muttered  Cabir angrily and disconnected the call.

"No, I dont want any tea...." he said to Navya.

"But aunty ji told me that you have a lot of digestion issues. She says that you dont fart well and all the gas keeps building up inside of you. Lemon tea is very good for digestion. You must have some."

"Mom!" yelled Cabir," MOM.....!"

"What is it?" said his mother rushing to him downstairs.

"Why have you been sharing our personal details with this girl? And my digestion is pretty good."

"Come on Cabir," his mother said," dont mind too much. Navya, make him some good lemon tea to aid his digestion."

Navya nodded and left for the kitchen.

"How could you mom!" Cabir said angrily.


Nandini was having a terrible headache. She was lying down on her bed trying to get some afternoon sleep.

"I feel so disturbed," she said,"everything that happened with Randheer...............and Rishabh's frequent attacks and........I cant handle this anymore."

She grabbed her phone hoping to speak to Dhruv in order to vent out her feelings. But in her haste she didnt realise that she had dialled Manik's number.

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