Chap 49- False arrangements

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Manik and Nandini were driving back to Nandini's house. It had started raining very heavily.

"So....." said Manik turning down the volume of the music player," I heard that several students from your college are participating in musicana."

Nandini nodded recalling her promise to Sumati.

"Are you participating as well?" he asked her," I have never heard you sing except for............"

"That amazing song you guys wrote for me?" she said smiling at him.

"I am sorry for that too," he said.

"I think we have had enough sorrys for one day," she said," and I am not participating. I............."

She paused for a moment.

"Shall I tell him that I am going to be someone else's voice?" she thought,"I dont think its important."

"I would rather enjoy the event as an audience," she lied.

"We have our first audition round tomorrow," he said," and then the inter-college auditions start this weekend."

"Why do you sound so stressed?" she asked him.

"I am just a little worried," he said," Randheer is going to be involved in the judges panel too. I dont know but......."

"I will take care of that," she said," I will speak to him and......see if I can......."

"Dont even think about it!" he said, the tone of his voice much higher.

"Nandini please," he said,"Just dont! Stay away from him! From all that we know, he isnt a safe person to be around."

Nandini recalled the moments Randheer had slapped her and pushed her down the stairs. She shuddered at the memory.

"Where are you lost now?" he asked her.

"Its nothing," she lied again.

She removed her seat belt once they arrived at her house. She feared that she might break down into tears recalling the horrible ways in which Randheer had treated her. She just didnt feel it was the right time to talk about it.

"Can I pick you up for college tomorrow?" he asked her.

"Yes but.......I mean, wont you have to drive all the other way round to your college then?" she said.

"So?" he said," how does that matter?"

"You dont need to......" she said," I will take up some of your time and.....petrol too! Chachu says thay the prices of petrol have skyrocketed since last month!"

"Petrol?" he said sounding amused by her innocence," Seriously? God Nandini, you and your smart ideas......" Saying so, he leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead.

Nandini relaxed and smiled. She then opened the door of the car and got out.

"Nandini...." he called out to her getting out of his car," I..............I want you to come to our auditions."

"Auditions?" she said," for musicana?"

He nodded.

"Okay," she said," I will come."




Sumati's band "KN 5" (The Kesari Nightingales) with its band members Sumati, Aarav, Ridhima, Viraj and Ritwik was selected as the top band of the college. She was beaming with joy.

"Dont get too excited," Aarav said," how are we going to cover up the fact that Nandini sings for you. It was easy to do so here but the inter-college auditions are way too strict."

"Shut up!" said Sumati angrily," I have everything planned out very well. I have  Nandini's name registered as our band manager. Her entry pass is secure."

"And as for the lip sync," Ritwik said,"Sumati's mic will be turned off during the performance. There is sufficient distance between the stage and the judges panel. If Nandini and Sumati practise the lip sync well, there shall be no issue."

"Yes," said Nandini," we have been practising for hours since morning. Sumati has it rehearsed so well. No one will ever know."

"But why?" Ridhima said," I mean, if Sumati cant sing, then why musicana? Why cant Nandini be in our band instead?"

Sumati angrily kicked the mic stand.

"Because I deserve to be the star of musicana......" she said angriy," it has always been my dream to be there, to hear the crowd cheering for"

"Dreams require hardwork Sumati," Ridhima said. She was the only one in the group who felt sorry for Nandini.

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