Chapter 41

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Hinata's POV

Seeing my child lying in a hospital bed is heart breaking.

"The doctor told me that they will examine Mitoshi."

I nodded because I'm to weak to speak.

"He's going to be okay. Trust him. His a strong kid."

I look at him and tears are about to burst.

"Don't cry. Please don't cry."

"How can I not cry? It's my child lying there."

I pointed at our child who have an oxygen mask on. The doctor told me that his oxygen level dropped and we need to put it until it's back to normal.

"Are you the parents of Ushijima Mitoshi?"

"Yes, that's us." Ushijima-san is the one who answered.

"I'm Nurse Mari, and I want to ask questions about the child. Is it okay?"

We nodded.

After asking questions, two doctors came in and asking the same questions as the nurse.

"Doctor, he must only have a fever. It's a fever right? Please tell me it's fever."

"We fear that it's not only fever sir. We must wait for a few weeks before properly diagnosing him. As of now, please be with him, he needs it."

"Thank you." I went near my child's bed and hold his hand.

The tears cascade down my cheeks and not long after I'm sobbing.


2 weeks after

Ushijima-san cancelled his trip back to Tokyo and so did I. Mom and Natsu are looking after Miwato and Miyouko.

Sometimes she's calling and asking how Mitoshi is doing and I'll just burst into tears.

Everyday his body is weaker and weaker. He can barely eat his food, talk, and I miss his laugh and smile so much. The doctors did several tests but today we'll know the final result. I'm thankful because Ushijima-san didn't fail to support us emotionally.

"Excuse me, Doctor Hanazono wants to talk to the both of you."

Ushijima-san and I look at each other. We went to Doctor Hanazono's office and seated.

"I want you to brace yourself."

He's scaring me.

"We did several test on Mitoshi and from the beginning, he's a probable case of cancer. Blood cancer."

It took me a while to realize it and I cried silently. I can't breathe but my tears are continuously flowing. My hands went cold and I started to lose my sane.

Ushijima-san rub my back and I look at him, his eyes are watering but he's stopping it from falling. We need to be strong but I'm getting weak.

Where did I go wrong? When did it all go wrong?

I look at the doctor again.

"H-He's only five years old. Please do the test again. He can't have that. H-He's to young." I cried and cried.

"Ushijima-san... he's too young..."

"Hinata-san and Ushijima-san, we diagnose him with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. There's a 90% chance that he will survive if we'll give him the proper medication that's why we advise you to get his treatment done in Tokyo."

I look at him again but my tears are not stopping. "He will be save?"

"That's right."

"We'll go to Tokyo immediately."


That's when I realize something.

"M-Mitoshi, my son, he have 2 i-identical s-siblings."

The doctor furrowed his eyebrows.

"What? Can you repeat what you said."

"We have a triplets. They're all identical." Ushijima-san is the one who answered.

"Wait for a moment sir."

He started to type something on his computer and made several calls.

"We would like it if you bring those two here."

"They can't have leukemia right? They can't have it."

I didn't remember anything afterwards except that it's pitch black.



I opened my eyes and saw my 2 angels smiling.

I went near them and hug them tightly. I am silently crying when someone entered the room.


It's mom.

"You need to strengthen yourself. H-He can survive this." mom's voice broke mid-sentence and my crying intensify.

"Daddy? Why are you crying?"

"I'm just happy to see you healthy. Please continue to be healthy."

"That's all? Don't worry dad, I will not easily go down." Miwato said while wiping away my tears and Miyouko did the same.

"Where's Mitoshi and Papa?" Miwato ask.

"I'm here buddy." Ushijima-san is there leaning at the door.

"Go with your grandma for a while." I stand up and went near Ushijima-san.

"W-What did the doctor said?"

He hug me and kissed my temple.

"Let's be strong together."

I nodded. I need to be strong for my child.

"They need to check Miwato and Miyouko, there's a 46% chance that they will develop it since they're identical."

I can feel the tears again but this time I stopped myself from bawling.

They're all so young and the percentage of the other two having leukemia is high. I can't afford seeing the three of them in a hospital bed.

"I wish I am the one who's sick." I hug back Ushijima-san and I can feel his cold hand on my back.

"We'll survive this. We'll do anything for them, for our family." Ushijima-san said some soothing words before we decided to fix Mitoshi's paper to be transferred in a big hospital in Tokyo.


We ask the doctors how could Mitoshi possibly develop leukemia and they answered that it's probably inherited and it just so happen that they they're in the generation to inherit this.

I don't remember anyone fron the family having leukemia and Ushijima-san said that it's probably his gene because he's grandfather have it but luckily he survive.

After knowing that fact, he started to blame it on himself, "I'm so sorry, I should have been the one lying on the hospital bed right now. I'm so sorry."

He's showing me his vulnerable side and all I can do is to stay with him and our children. We can't really blame anyone, as he said, we need to be strong for our family.

We will do anything in our power to cure it since we're just starting as a complete family.



Our Child ✓ (Ushijima x Hinata) Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now