Part 26

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Kiara, Sarah, and I are all now sitting on my bed. Kie and I pass a weed pen back and forth but Sarah denies when we offer.

"Spill the tea." Sarah says to me. I give her a confused look.

"Girl, you better tell us about this date." Kie adds in.

"Oh my gosh, it was freaking perfect."

"Where did you guys go?" Sarah asks.

"We went out to your families private island and-"

"Pause, your family has a private island?" Kie interrupts to ask Sarah. She just shakes her head yes, waiting for me to continue.

"Well the sun was setting and he had this canopy set up with lanterns and rose pedals and blankets and a little picnic basket. We went for a swim and then had some champagne and then-" I pause before I say the next part.

"And then what?" Kie pushes for more.

I look over to Sarah and cringe, remembering this is her older brother we are talking about.

"Gross." Sarah says when she realizes what I'm hinting towards.

"How was it?" Kiara asks.

"I don't want to know." Sarah states and dramatically puts her hands over her ears and closes her eyes.

I look back at Kie. "It was amazing and felt so special. Like nothing I've ever experienced before. He was honestly so sweet."

Kiara let's out an awe and touches her hand to her heart. She turns to Sarah and moves the hands from her ears, she opens her eyes.

"Alright, we're done talking about Liv having sex with your brother." Kiara says, obviously trying to get a reaction from her.

"Oh my god, gross!" Sarah says loudly before leaving the room. Kie and I are left in my room laughing at how dramatic she is.


"I told Topper and Kelse about us." Rafe says through the phone.

"Yeah? How did that go?" I reply hesitantly.

"They're gonna love you when they get to know you."

"So they flipped?"

"I'll see you at the bonfire tomorrow night, yeah?" He questions, changing the subject.

"Yep." I say back, slightly annoyed.

"Okay beautiful, and stop worrying."

We say our goodbyes and the call ends, I let out a heavy sigh. Of course I am worrying, Rafe's friends hate me and my friends and there's a drug dealer with a gun out to get him. But what could go wrong, right?

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