The Great Escape - Prologue

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You were woken to a light tapping on your shoulder. You rubbed your eyes, fully opening them to unveil your mother shaking you awake, panic-stricken. 

You compelled yourself to focus your vision as if you had been awake for hours and peered outside your bedroom window, only to discover that it was the middle of the night. The sky was a charcoal black being smoothed out by a string of stars that flickered in unison. You took but a moment until it dawned on you - it was time.

You flung yourself up and out of bed, moving your feet as softly as you could, swiftly reaching the floorboards. Your mother rose a trembling finger to her quivering lips.

"Not a single creak can be heard, mija" Your mother whispered so faintly it could have very well been considered a mouthing of words. 

She warily reached out to you, resting her hand on your cheek, extending her hold to the back of your head. She placed your forehead onto hers, and you remained as such for a few moments as dread began to pool in the air above, creeping in between you and your mothers embrace.

She hesitantly pulled away and you nodded in acknowledgement. As you nodded, your mother flashed you a look of deep dismay. She was scared, too.

She slid out of your room, most likely on her way to grab your little brother Gabriel next.

You cautiously slinked your way to the hardwood floor to reach under your bed. 

You slipped your hand into the dust and darkness underneath, blindly feeling your way to a loose fabric handle. You took hold of it pulled out your readily-packed bag and swung it around your shoulder, eager to continue on. 

You stealthily crept your way out of your room and gracefully slid down the staircase railing as to not risk a sound coming from the unstable wooden stairs.

When you made your way out the back door, you were immediately faced with your mother and Gabriel packed and on the horse, Gabriel asleep, cocooned into your mother's fawn poncho. 

You rapidly scurried over as your mother reached out her hand, hoisting you up onto the back of the young horse and handed you Gabriel. 

She made a clicking noise through her teeth, signalling the horse to move onward. You took a hard look at the house you were leaving behind and sighed. It was hard leaving. It always would be. 

The only thing you could do was focus on the present. You forced yourself to turn your head, and along with that, your soul, from your childhood home. 

To move forward, you took a look at the crumpled and smudged map that was in a side pouch attached to the luggage.

Encanto, here we come.


Authors Note:

Hey everyone! I doubt many people will be reading this, but I am fixating HARD. If you're reading this, I assume you are too. This was just the prologue to give some background on who you are and how you got to Encanto. This should be uploaded with chapter 1 which will be Encanto focused (and of course our beloved chameleon). I hope you enjoy!

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