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When you made it out back into the light of day, you were immediately caught off guard as you looked forward and into the small crowd on the street. Someone was waiting for you. "Má?"

While you could see your mother walking towards you, something felt different. 

"Uh, mamá?"

"Yes, mija?" You heard a voice grow closer that did not match your mothers, walking alongside you. It took you a few short moments until you realized who it could be.

"Camilo, wh-" You were promptly interrupted by a finger to your lips.

"Má," you corrected yourself. "What are you... doing here?"

He intertwined his arm with yours.

"Just trying to help my wonderful daughter!"

You raised an eyebrow at his impression.

"Right... Thanks, má."

Things fell silent as you walked, arm in arm.

Do I tell him? Is it even worth investigating?

These thoughts clouded your mind with every step that pushed you further. Your gaze fell to your feet, your brow furrowing. You felt a quick tug that pulled you in closer, getting your attention. You looked up at Camilo to see his features grow investigative and focused. He was trying to do what he always does - figure you out.

In that moment, you knew what you wanted to do. You knew you had to stop doubting your instincts. You knew you wanted to follow up on this. Most importantly, you knew you wanted him to be by your side.

"Actually, má," you broke the silence, "we need to fix the window in my room tonight." You proposed the same window sneak-in he pulled last night for this night once again. You hoped he would understand the hidden meaning in your phrase.

To your satisfaction, he seemed to be receptive. 

"Ah, yes! Do we need to bring the handyman?"


"No, I think we got this," you replied. 

Not that you had anything against Mirabel, she was one of your best friends, but the less people right now the better. You had already gotten past the initial telling of your past with Camilo, plus, Mirabel was already under the most fire in her family. You didn't want to get her in more trouble.

"Noted," Camilo replied, almost robotic. You stifled a laugh, only turning it into a snort. You could see him smile in your mothers form as he gave you a hard nudge.

You continued to walk, arm in arm, onwards to the fruit stand, with a note for Mirabel that read, "Going to try something, tell you later!"


"Goodnight, manito," you said as you passed the bathroom and reached the bottom of the stairs, making your way up to your room. "Don't fight mom, brush your teeth!"

"I won't, and I will!" Your brother called out, waving his toothbrush in the air.

You playfully stuck your tongue out through the railing of the staircase at Gabriel, continuing your way up to your room.

When you made it upstairs, after closing your door, you immediately and eagerly went towards your window to unlock it.

He should be here soon, no?

You sat on your bed and found yourself subconsciously brushing off your shirt and fixing your hair.

Stop, you told yourself in a silent groan. 

Of course, having feelings for someone can feel exciting. Make your day, even. It was different for you, though. It was simply one more relationship to worry about, and heaven knows you didn't exactly grow up around role models.

As you got lost in thought, about to bury your head in your pillow out of frustration, that irritated feeling completely vanished as you heard the cracking of the lattice outside your window.

You silently rushed over, swinging it open. You looked down to see those devious eyes looking back up at you.

"Hello, stranger," Camilo said, extending his hand out towards you.

You reached over the ledge, getting a grip on his hand and pulling him through. He positioned himself the same way as last time, that nonchalant, sly lean as he sat on the window sill.

"So, what's this secret summon for?" He asked, quickly putting his hands out in front of him. "Not that I'm complaining, of course."

You scoffed into a chuckle, moving back to sit on your bed.

"I need help with something," you explained. "Investigation wise!" You lowered your voice into an even quieter whisper than before.

Camilo raised his eyebrows. "Investigation, huh? Why not bring Mirabel?" A smug smile painted across his face. He wanted to know why you 'chose' him. You rolled your eyes.

"She gets in enough trouble for just... being her, as is," you replied. He hung his mouth open in a fake surprise.

"What, you don't care about me?"

Your brows furrowed. "That's not what I-"

You were interrupted by Camilo's soft laughter. "I'm only kidding," he said. "Kind of."

Your lips pursed, your gaze falling upon him and trailing off to the side. "Actually, that's why I want you to come," you interjected. "I feel safe with you."

Camilo hung his head into a grin, his eyes softening. He seemed touched.

He shot his head back up, his tight curls bouncing as the soft wind ran through them. 

"What do you need me to do?" He said, leaning forward. "I'm all ears."

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now